Breaking the Silence..#2

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Shot #2:

Swara sleeps get disturbed by alarm clock... she sits rubbing her eyes... her eyes get widened hearing shower sound...

"He is really an early bird" she mumbles and left to the kitchen after taking her bed coffee...

Sanskar smiles ear to ear seeing his neatly pressed clothes in bed... he gets ready by that dress...

Swara frowns noticing sanskaras who is busy in front of the mirror more than 20 mins with his tie...

"When his beautiful wife is here for whom he was grooming himself like anything... huh even we girls won't take this much time" She murmurs herself and leaves from there making face...

He scratches his head disappointed noticing swara leaving... he sighs and tied a tie within a second... (he he he... poor boy expected swara to help him😆)

After taking breakfast sanskar silently leaves not before complimenting her food... she knew she wasn't best in cooking but when he compliments she feel like she is the only best cook in this world...

Swara follows him till doorstep... he turns to her...

Sans: um wo bye... take care, lock the door... Swara nods and forwards his lunch box with a smile... he took is lunch box with a smile... she sighs closing the door...

It was their daily routine... always some sort of silence presence between them as both are off reserved in nature... they won't talk much unless they needed anything but deep inside there hearts they want to break the silence present between them... their day passed by glancing and smiling at each other...

every morning her coffee will be on the table, sometimes she sleeps where she is without bothering about the place but morning awake in their bed... Morning, she stands in doorstep with his lunch bag... when he returned from office their heart never elated for meet  eachother but their lips automatically curled into the smile when his eyes met hers... a smile from their heart...

Sanskar snoring, late night work and his silence which always annoy swara in start... but when a day passes she become habituated with that and she gets difficult to sleep without his snoring ...

Swara hair in his comb, her bindi in the mirror his white towel becomes yellow with her turmeric which always irked sanskar but he always uses her turmeric towel...

His Katrina Kaif and Tamanna poster wall were totally replaced by thr Wedding photos... 

In the centre of the wall pic of swasan in which he was tying knots around her neck and that was surrounded by photos of them holding thr hand in hand together and taking round around holi fire... another one he was wearing her toe ring... they're with his family, her family and joined photos of both the families... 

Not only this, thr door nameplate also now changed to Mr. & Mrs. Sanskar Ramprasad from Mr.Sanskar Ramprasad...

She doesn't have any idea when he changed the photo and the nameplate but when she saw that she was totally surprised... don't know why but she feels soo happy... his gesture always make her happy...


One fine evening, as usual, sanskar, knocks door but swara doesn't open the door... he Wait for 10 mins then with the spare key he open door being tensed and checked where is She... like every day, her favorite serial isn't running on T.V., their dinner isn't getting ready in kitchen,  she isn't reading books in study room nor she was watering plants in balcony...

Tension rosed in his heart, he rubbed his temple... after hearing shower sound from the bathroom he gets to relax but at the very moment he got worried hearing her sobbing sound... he knocks door but she doesn't respond... his eyes notices  her half drunken coffee cup present at the table near bed...

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