s i x t e e n

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NOVEMBER 30, 2016
10: 48 PM

im sp sorry hannah


Why are you apologizing?

because i'm the bighest asshple pf this whole damn wprldm. i'm fuvked up. i ducked up. maybe im too fuvking complaicatwd for everypne

Are you drunk Paris?

Where are you?

im so spory hannah i understand iff you dpnt fprgive me

you willl forgive me write?

Of course, Paris, I will.

im the wprst perpson in the wprld. im a fcked up, with a fucked up father, and im living a fcvked up life. im the definitipn of worst

No, Paris, you're not. You're a nice person, one of the nicest person I've ever met. Although I hate to admit it right now, you always make me laugh. You always make my day. I love how you talk about girls and how you notice little things that even I don't notice. Please go home now, don't make me go there.



ypu know what hurts? it hurts that thpse woreds are from you

How? I'm confused, Paris.

knock. knock.

You've probably mistaken me as Anna, Paris.

Seriously go home.

Paris answer my calls.

I'm sure Anna will forgive you. You're a nice person, always remember that.

I hope you'll get home safe Paris.

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