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"You found one?!" Hinata's loud voice pulls my eyes away from my clipboard and to Shimizu and a blonde girl. The boys gather around her. "She'll be a temporary member and will be training to be a manager," She seems nervous, "I'm Yachi Hitoka!" I peek from behind Yamaguchi. She looks to be about my height.

"That's nice!" the third years say happily. "Are you a first year?" Asahi asks. She looks up at him and shrieks, "YES CLASS 1-5!" That's my class. The gather around her introducing themselves, clearly overwhelming her. I think they think she's cute. Well, she is. Like come on, at least give me a chance.

"Guys, she's still a temporary member, don't introduce yourself until she becomes used to us," Shimizu guides. I remember the first day I came here, they just talked about me to each other and stared. Of course, they were told that I was to play against them for Ukai to determine whether or not I am coach material. So they were probably scoping me out.

Yachi backs up a little and laughs nervously. "Oh Chihiro-chan, come introduce yourself," Shimizu calls out. I slide between the guy and stand next to Shimizu, being sure to give her personal space, knowing her predicament.

Yachi lights up, "Aren't you in my class?" she asks. I nod, "I'm the transfer student," I confirm. She smiles brightly at me and I can't help but smile a little too. I try to hide it instinctively.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, "No need to hide a smile," I look back at a smiling Shimizu. A comfortable tone washes over me leaving me with a warm, safe feeling.

Third POV

A flowery aura manifests around the three girls. "I don't think I've ever seen Chihiro smile before," Nishinoya notes. "I don't think I have either," Tanaka agree. The team looks over at the three again and agree.

"We would have remembered if she smiled," Hinata beams.

First POV

I return to the bench with my clipboard and pen. Yachi and Shimizu sit next to me as I write. "So you're a coach?" Yachi looks over at my paper. I nod. "I manage the conditioning portion of training. Coach Ukai is the one who manages the volleyball training that applies directly to the match,"

She nods. "Do you play volleyball?" I nod again. "Before you ask I'm not on the girl's team because I am over the maximum kilos that high school girls' volleyball allows," I sigh.

"Then you must me really strong!" she shouts. I nod. "I guess you could say that. I deflated a ball by spiking too hard one time," I add. She gasps in amazement.


"For the love of God don't lock your knees!" I call out to the boys lifting weights. Kageyama looks like is he about to snap as I quickly go over and take the barbell out of his grasp. I set them down gently, "Weight lifting is no good if you just end up getting hurt,"

"How much can you lift, coach?" Hinata asks. I look up and purse my lips. "I don't remember,"

"Show us!"

"We wanna see!" the team all ask. I look over at Ukai, "I'm curious too," I look to Takeda-sensei, Shimizu, and Yachi. The agree with a nod. I groan but trot over to the bench to shed my jacket and pants.

When I look up I see everyone hiding their eyes. "I have shorts on?" I say.

I stretch out my arms as I walk back to the weights. "Pick me out a random weight," I ask, wanting to enjoy a little game. Daichi points to a 50 pound hesitantly. "Don't hurt yourself please," he asks. I scoff. "50's pretty light," I reply as I set it behind my head in a squat. "Another?"

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