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I slowly lifted my foot and put it on the ice. Snowflakes and a big rush of color went on the ice. "Wow!" I exclaimed.

"First try to make a snow flake. Put you hand up like this, make a fist, and slowly open your hand up. Like this," Nori made a beautiful ice snowflake in her hand. "Now you try."

I did the same thing but it turned in to an ice cube. "Wow." I turned to Nori.

"Don't worry. Try doing the same thing but open your fingers up one by one."

I did it and I looked at the beautiful snowflake I had just made. "Its beautiful. See? I knew you could do it!". Nori smiled,"Now your going to make your dress. Throw your hands up and slowly stroke it down yourself." I had just did what she said and I found myself in a beautiful gown.

It was a blue frost corset with see through purple sleeves and a long ice blue to faded purple. All of the colors blended perfectly together. It was like midnight snow gown! "It's beautiful!" I said as I spun around. "Each human that has a special power, gets their own special outfit found nowhere else and made no where else. You made them. They are specially fit for the person who wears it.". Nori smiled. Then I decided to break the silence and totally changed the subject too.

"Ya know, you are nothing like me." I smiled stupidly and Nori giggled. "Its probably time for you to go... I hear your father calling you.". Nori made a cloud that showed me what was happening in my house. "This was really fun! We will do this again right?" "Yep," Nori smiled and made her portal back to my house. "See you tomorrow!" Nori said as I stepped out and I turned back to normal.

The crystal was still on my neck and I could hear my dad calling,"Come on! Were waiting for you! Come eat dinner!". "Coming!" I said running down the stairs. I slipped and fell. That will leave a mark. It did both ways. I left a trail down the steps. Oops. "Hold on I forgot something!". The necklace. How stupid... I quickly ran upstairs and put the necklace inside the box.

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