The world beneath eyelids

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There is a world where laws of motion cannot be applied and where the impossible may just be possible. It is a world within each of us, shaped by our happiness and sorrow, love and hatred, success and failure, recklessness and fear. Let me share with you what I saw in that wonderful world beneath my eyelids one night...

The world beneath eyelids

In my dreams, I swirl,

Watch helplessly as strangeness unfurl,

Hurling me into tides,

Engulfing me from all side....

I get teary as some one chides,

Like a tiny guilty school girl.

But, among the huge buildings she hides

And into some other void, I hurl

I land in a maze

With tigers, thiefs and fire.

Faster than light, I race

Heroically, and people stop to admire.

Once the heart beat slows,

A caress brings me thrill...

An alluring voice utter vows

Of love, and lead to a hill.

Now, I find myself again

Grief-stricken at that funeral.

Rain drops slide down the pane

Sad, yet sacred and natural.

I fall free, feeling fire and ice

And become one in a faceless crowd.

Seeking familiars, I sidestep mice

To my friends, I call out loud.

A chill descent in the hazy beach,

In the lose sand, my feet retreat.

I spread hands hastily, trying to reach....

And open my eyes as birds tweet

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