Chapter 3: Only One Thing To Say: "Shit"

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I run through the less darkened corridors, the goat monster chasing behind me. The purple walls are blurred as I run through as fast as I can. "My child, please slow down!" It called in its ever-so-sweetened voice. It made me sick how it didn't hide its true intentions.

"This way!" The flower said, popping out of the ground next to a dead tree. It moved its leaves as if it was pointing to somewhere. Taking the hint, I made a hard left turn when I reached the flower, giving it enough time to latch its roots onto my arm somehow and riding on my shoulder.

Up ahead I saw what looked like a small cottage in these purple-themed ruins. The flower pointed its leaves towards the cottage's front door. "In there!" it said.

I burst through the door, surprised by it being left unlocked, and paused to catch my breath and look at my surroundings. The flower looked at me sympathetically before telling me to head down the stairs that were located across the room.

"Head down there," the flower said. I was curious as to see what the rest of the house looked like, so I disobeyed the flower's instructions and headed left. "Where are you going?" It asked.

"I was wanting to know what the rest of the house looked like," I answered. The flower gave me a worried look, which I ignored, as I walked into what looked like a living room. It was fairly normal, one fluffy chair next to a fireplace. The chair was used quite often. Grayish white fur scattered across its surface, like dead ants across a countertop. The fire right next to it was out, but it showed recent use. There was a dining table at the other end of the room, it was fairly cleaned up. Some plates were left on the table with dark food bits on them.

"Okay, I think now might be a good time to go.." the flower said, it's entire body shaking in fear.

"What's there though?" I asked, "The kitchen?"

"Lets presume it is! Can we leave now?" The flower was visibly terrified, making me look like a douche bag since I'm the one continuing to look at the house. 

"Alright, we'll leave," I said, giving up.

The flower seemed relieved and hurriedly said, "GOOD, now lets get going!"

I turned around to head back into the entrance hall, only for the flower to gasp and some black cloth to be smushed up against my face.

"Oh, my! What do we have here?" It cooed. Oh shit.

I backed up and rubbed my slightly itchy eyes before looking up to face the one and only Toriel. Again. I darted my eyes, looking around her to find any means of escape but she was blocking the only exit. The archway was too small for me to stay out of her reach.

Suddenly, Toriel grabbed my arm, harshly. I  whimpered in pain but she ignored it. Toriel dragged me to the fluffy chair I was looking at earlier and sat me down on her lap. ... It was actually quite comfy.

"You shouldn't have run off, my child. All I wanted to do was bring you to my home. Were you just trying to race me there? You worried me," she said in her murderous yet motherly voice. The two tones contradicted themselves so much it made me want to gag at her obvious lies.

"Uh, yeah! That's definitely it," I lied.

"Then, in that case, would you like some pie? I had made some lovely cinnamon butterscotch pie earlier, it should be cooled down enough to eat now."

"Uh, sure! I would love some," Even though it did sound delicious, i had no intent of eating it. I just wanted to get out of here with this talking flower. I wanted to be safe. 

To be honest... I wish I was back home. At least they didn't want to murder me.

"All right," she said, setting me back down onto the floor, "Just wait there and I'll go get the pie. You'll love it!" Toriel hurried off into the kitchen, almost as if she's genuinely happy. That couldn't be though, her murderous tone was still there.

After I made sure she was in the kitchen I quietly got up and bolted down the stairs in the main hall.

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