1~ Suffering Over Little Things

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"Men demand much more than you think," she would tell her enigmatically. "There's a lot of cooking, a lot of sweeping, a lot of suffering over little things beyond what you think." 

~ Gabriel Garcia Marquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude


Jake couldn't exactly pinpoint when it had started.

To his recollection, he was having a pretty normal day. It was a Saturday morning, and Jake was lulled in a deep sleep, his body was drained from the previous day. He probably had a bruise forming from when a perpetrator bashed a two-by-four across his ribs during a chase. It was because of that his commanding officer gave him and some of the others a day off. Today would have been the perfect day to just relax and sleep in...

Unfortunately... Jenna had a different idea. 

She watched him sleep from the doorway, a mug of freshly brewed coffee in her hands while she wore nothing but one of his t-shirts and a thin pair of socks. She had been up for over an hour now, and was just sitting downstairs... waiting patiently for either Jake or Quentin to wake up. But soon, she got bored; she knew that Quentin was a heavy sleeper, and Jake... well... he was like a teenager in his own league. He just needed some encouragement to get out of bed.

And encourage him she did. 

She quietly crept over to the bed and set the coffee mug on the bedside table, then, she crawled into the bed and sat next to him, just watching him sleep peacefully. She then noticed he had a yellowish bruise forming on his side, probably from yesterday's chase. Jenna started running her fingers through his hair, pressing soft kisses down his shoulder. 

Jake started to stir, and he started to smile as soon as felt Jenna's lips on his skin. He grumbled inaudibly and turned over, leaning into Jenna's embrace even more.

"It's Saturday," he mumbled, eyes still shut tight.

"I know," she replied simply. 

"So, why are you waking me up?" he asked, his groggy morning voice was coming to light.

"Because I'm bored, and if I left it up to you, you'd sleep in until one," she said. Jake suddenly grabbed Jenna and pulled her on top, then leaning up to kiss her.

"Good morning," 


Everybody loved Saturday mornings; the lack of commitment and the laziness. Jake's Saturday mornings had gotten a hell of a lot better over the past year, for a good reason, too. Jenna wasn't one to complain either; their lives conflicted so much, it would be a miracle if they got to have breakfast together in the morning. The weekends were their sanctuary, just time for themselves where they would be running on sex and laughing. They were some of Jake's favourite moments.

He loved the way she smiled, the way she laughed -- as well as other sounds she could make. She was small, and she fit perfectly against him. Their lips were connected in a slow and lazy kiss, he then pulled her leg completely across his body until she straddled his hips.

"Cutting it a bit close, don't you think?" she asked quietly, "It's almost ten, Quentin might wake up,"

"He's a heavy sleeper. And he's got the door shut," he replied. Jenna smiled down at him, he looked so cute in his sleep-drunken state. His hair was flat and his eyes were hooded, hiding the lust he had for her.

"If you say so, Officer," she said. She rocked her hips back and forth to make a point. The sweet, stimulating friction was hard to ignore. He pushed a hand into her hair and gripped it, pulling her head back slowly so that he could see her eyes. They glinted with a sexy sort of wickedness. She licked her lips and he sucked in a deep breath. His hands up past her hips and under the hem of her shirt, pulling up her body and resting just above her ribs. Jenna's breath ghosted down his neck, and he let out a growl. It appeared he enjoyed it so much, his right hand suddenly flailed out and knocked over the bedside lamp. They stopped as soon as they heard it crash against the rug, but instead of panicking, they just laughed.

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