Meeting Falling In Reverse 1/22/14

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I met Falling In Reverse for the third time on January 22nd, 2014 on the Bury The Hatchet Tour at Backstage Live in San Antonio, Texas. I had Hatchet VIP which was the cheaper one, where you got to take a photo.

I run a fan page on Instagram called @RonnieFicarrofanpage and I posted that I was on my way. Ronnie Ficarro from Falling In Reverse ended up commenting saying Tell me who you are when I see you.

My grandparents live basically right next to the venue so we parked our car in their parking lot, dropped our dog off at their apartment and walked the short distance, less than five minutes, to the venue. My dad and I got into the area where the VIP people were and waited.

We were told to be there at four but weren't being let in until five so we waited outside for a whole hour until Dave Jones, David Jones, Captain Davey Jones, whatever you want to call him, came out and took our names, giving us our passes and telling us to line up.

I was around the fourth person to get my pass and I had to go alone because my dad wasn't able to buy a VIP ticket, only a general admission. He walked back to my grandparents' while I stayed in line. They ended up turning us around so instead of me being in the front, I was in the back. They led us into a room and we made a line, curving around the room.

We were told that Falling In Reverse were going to be late so I waited about thirty extra minutes for them to just get to the venue. General admission was supposed to be let in at six and we were supposed to be let in earlier than that. Since FIR was late, six o'clock rolled around and they still weren't there, so the venue went ahead and let in general admission. FIR walked in about 6:15 and the line started moving quickly. I was close to the end, maybe ten or twenty people behind me and it took me six minutes to get up to them.

I handed the photo taker my phone and walked over to FIR, smiling at them and saying hi. I got in between Ryan and Ronnie, Ronnie draping his arm over my shoulder. After the picture, I turned to Ron and said "I'm the one from RonnieFicarrofanpage". He smiled at me and hugged me, telling me "Thank you". I got my phone back and walked out the door, leading to the stage area.

This was my third time meeting FIR and they were as nice as ever. I hope to meet them at Warped this summer.

Pictures I took at the concert ---------->

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