Cali & Me

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Bonus Chapter

"I don't care. I'm not going," Cali whines as I pack both of our bags. She is rarely childish, but leaving the summer camp where we are councilors, to go back to the orphanage is one of the few times she throws a tantrum.

"I don't want to go back either," I say as I place the last of our cloths into the trash bags. Going back would mean going back to college for me. While Cali has just graduated and as loaded her next year with nothing but work. Three jobs to be exact and none of them easy.

"Why can't we just stay here?" She asks dreamily and rolls over on the bed to face me.

"Wouldn't that be nice?" She continues, "YOU loves kids and I love the outdoors. We could just stay here and live like this. Peacefully, you could forget all-"

"Cali." I interrupt, "it won't happen, so help me pack," I say as I make my way over to our bathroom to pack the toiletries.

"I'm just saying Nova, it wouldn't be running from the past. You would just be able to live without the guilt. Your father couldn't find you here," she whispers and I take a big sigh before turning to her.

I slowly walk to the bed and sit down, while she sits up next to me.
"Remember when I first came to the orphanage. I was 17 and only had one more year before I thought I would be kicked out. I hated everything, I trusted no one," I begin, "But then I found you and you showed me how to love and trust again. You made me get off my ass and do something with my life."

She nods her head slowly not sure what point I was making, "well now I know what I want to do with it. I want to hunt down that man, and I want to avenge the family I have lost. That's what I want to do. So staying here and running away aren't options. Please understand that," I say and place my hand over hers.

"I do understand, I do. But sometimes I think about how happy you could be without all that. Just a normal girl," she says before aggressively flopping down in the bed, "But then again you aren't normal."

I smile down at her, "look whose talking," I say with a chuckle before standing up.

I offer my hand out to her, "come on, help me pack."

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