Meeting Mommy

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Melissa with her baby

Chapter 3

The shaking voice causes both of us to freeze while staring at one another. I watch had his dark gaze widens in recognition and am close enough to watch his pupils widen before he snaps his body towards the sound.

Following his jerked movements gave me whiplash but it also showed just how worried he had been. The cool and collected Mr. Anthony Rivera was frantic for a moment and it wasn't entirely about the baby. He almost seemed to move quicker when the voice shouted out. It was the voice that pushed him.

Slowly I follow at gentle pace trying to keep the sleepy baby at peace.

When I approach them I see a very anger Mr. Rivera. The rage in his eyes makes me pause because it's a gentle rage. Like a contained fire that knows it will be put out but still continues to fuel the heat of its flames. Next to him is a beautiful blonde women crying and latched onto his arms.

Her golden hair casts a shadow over her face, and her petite figure is swallowed by his strong chest.

"The Nanny, I-I should have listened. S-she said that she turned her back for a second and he was gone. I just needed her today because of all the documents due a-and-" her voice is soft, delicate and elegant. Everything a man looks for.

"This is why I said you could have an extension on those due dates," he said to her holding her up by her arm as she wobbled. His gaze fixated on her shaking form.

"I don't like y-you treating me different. They say I got here by marrying your b-brother," she sniffles and he looks upward as if asking for a help from the heavens.

His expression changes, for just one moment, I see a man who is in pain because of this women's pain.

He loves her.

"Don't worry Melissa, I've got him," Mr. Rivera says and she snaps her head up at him. He nods towards me and that's when our eyes meet, I've never seen such a rich green/blue combination.

She walks towards us and I smile at her, "I-is... h-he..?" She tries to ask through her tears.

"He is perfectly fine, a little rug burn and hungry but unscratched otherwise," I say warmly and give the mother back her baby.

I then look around the room and notice we are in an office similar to Mr. Rivera's but smaller and had a warmer atmosphere with the windows open and sunlight pouring in.
I spot a tissue box and bring it over to Melissa who thanks me and wipes her eyes.

"Melissa," he whispers in comfort and it shakes me, the man I came to destroy is waiting hand and foot for this women. Who is apparently his sister in law.

Ache. Pulse. Ache.

Ignoring the unfamiliar sensation of jealous was on an option. But I don't know where it comes from. I suppose the jealous of being taken care of, after only ever knowing self preservation. The idea of being able to lean on someone is such a foreign concept.

I quickly distract myself by finding the baby bag and admire the beautiful blue flower print design before going over and opening it.

I grabbed a bottle that was conveniently labeled with dates and times, and choose the closest time. I shook it then poured a little on my finger and felt the temperature. It was still warm, probably from being in the bag and in the sunlight.

"I told you that she was no good. Why didn't you listen to me?" He questions and squeezes her hand while she looks down ashamed. The intimacy not missed. That's when the baby starts to stir.

"I just needed some help, I'm sorry," she mumbles rocking her fussing baby and then looks up at him hopeful, "did you find anyone today?"

I walk back over to the women who was now seated in a leather chair. Mr. Rivera smooth baratone voice softly echos around them, and when I approach the whispers stop making me feel more like an outsider. 

His gaze slices through me and instead of fear I feel the deep curiosity to understand that guarded gaze.

"Excuse me," I interrupt them as the baby starts crying, "I believe he is hungry."
I kneel down in front of her and offer the bottle in my hand adding, "it could be heated up more if you like but it seems to be the right temperature."

The women looks at me as if seeing me for the first time and taking me in. I ignore the stare of Mr. Rivera as I smile at her reassuring her that I mean no harm. She takes the bottle and I stand up and brush off my knees.

"I'm glad everything worked out," I say and walk toward the door but before I could leave a little girl runs into the rooms and smacks herself against my leg falling to the floor.

What the hell is with this place and all these kids running around?

I look down at the girl with blonde pigtails and wearing a blue dress as she cradles her, what appears to be, injured elbow. She looks to be 6 or maybe 5?
I kneel down and help her up. She allows me to help her but watches me warily not sure how to react to the stranger that just knocked her down.

"Are you alright?" I ask softly taking noice of the plastic crown atop her head and she shakes her head no.

"What hurts?" I ask.

She dramatically points to her elbow and I see the pattern of the carpet imbedded into her skin. Her water eyes look at mine and I remember seeing this rich green from the eyes of the women behind me.

"I bet if you ask your mom to kiss it then the pain will go away. Moms are magic like that," I say with a smile.

She watches me hesitantly, "Really?" She draws out not believing me.

I hold up my hands, "Cross my heart." For some reason she deems me amusing and offering a shy giggle while brushing the water off her face.

"I'm sorry for knocking you over. But how about next time you don't run inside and I watch where I am going, okay?" I ask and she nods slowly again unsure of this new stranger. I smile and pat her head before leaving the room.


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