five; "you just have to tell her you're her father!"

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After everyone got their showers, they spent the night talking about what they've been doing for the last five years. Belle explained what happened when Klaus was on "trial" while the others explained the dream world Freya had sent them all to. Eventually, Elijah joined them while Hayley went inside to wake Hope. Despite the day they had, they had all made an unspoken agreement to just talk and enjoy the love of family for the night.

"So, are you ready to really meet your daughter?" Belle smiled smugly, laying her hand on Klaus's toned stomach. Despite now knowing he had feelings for her, she had to keep up the façade that nothing had changed between them.

"Is anyone ever ready to meet their daughter for the first time?" Klaus shot back, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. "Just—stay next to me. Please?"

Sliding her hand from his stomach to interlock with his free one, she answered, "I wouldn't have it any other way. Whatever you need."

Soon, Hayley walked out the door, the small, red-headed child following her. Everyone silenced their conversations as soon as they saw her. "Look who's awake," Hayley said, her hand resting on the seven-year-old's head.

"Hi," Hope said softly, making both Klaus and Belle's hearts melt.

"Hello," Klaus gasped, nearly breaking Belle's hand.

Awkwardly, Hope turned to her mother. "Can I go play in the garden?"

"Yeah, go ahead," Hayley lightly pat Hope on the back, as if pushing her to the garden. As Hope walked away, Klaus squeezed Belle's hand more, snapping a few bones.

"Okay! Broken hand, Niklaus, broken hand!" Belles squealed, pulling her hand from his. Klaus let out a deep breath, leaning back against a wooden pole that supported the roof of the porch. "Hey, you did good! Now, you just have to tell her you're her father!"

"It won't be that easy, Belle," Klaus shook his head.

"Well..." Belle trailed. "I'm going to go and get to know my goddaughter." She let her shoulders shrug, basically skipping down the stairs of the porch to follow after the child.

Rebekah scoffed, "She's my goddaughter!"

"You get to be her aunt, I get to be her god mother!" Belle laughed, running from the porch. Soon, she ran back, stopping in front of Hayley. "Okay, when I talk to her, what am I allowed to talk about?"

"Everything, except she doesn't know who her dad is." Hayley said, clearly humored by Belle's character. By her attitude, she knew she would love having Belle around.

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