Black and white

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What do you see today,

The sun,

Birds singing,

But mostly color,

Well that's what you see,

I'm as you say "different",

I see blackness,




And no color,

I see black and white,

I'm not color blind or anything,

I used to see color,

But not anymore.

I saw a blackhole,

It sucked everything in sight,

It teared everything to shreds,

Slowly and painfully untill its "job" was done,

Then the color drained into blackness,

Then came the black and white stage,

All you see is black and white,

And everything in ruins,

Everything is "dead",



You think this is a dream,

So you play along,

But days pass,

Maybe even months,

And you see our still in this "world" of black and white,

You pinch yourself,

You spray water in your face,

You try to "wake" yourself up,

But nothing happens,

You cry,

You scream,

You ask the terrifying word "why me",

You fall in deep agonizing pain,

Your lost,


Not knowing what to do,

You get up,

And you walk and touch everything you walk by making sure everything is real,

Making sure your still alive,

Everybody around you is acting "normal",



Taking drugs,

Gangs everywhere,

Yep everything is noramal...

When you go home you scream more,

Cry more,

Ask what happened,

But silence,

Then you wake up one day,

Seeing the blackhole,

You want to run,

But you can't move,

Time stopped,

The blackhole did its "job" and disappeared,

Everything went back to "normal" once again,

Now you start to wonder what normal is,

Certunliy not this life style,

And bam!

Everything went black,

Then came the black and white stage.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2014 ⏰

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