Before you read this shit storm.

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it is currently May 29th, 2017 as i am writing this chapter. i published this book some time last year and honestly i hate almost everything in this book. that being said, please. if you're reading this now, don't vote for the old chapters. it kinda just makes me upset. i mean go ahead and read through i guess i can't stop you but don't comment on my art from literally a year ago like "AAA SO CUTE XD" because i'm literally embarrassed of this stuff. okay thanks for reading i guess continue if you want

also if at any point i say "XD" in this book just know that i have now stopped and i have seen the errors in my ways.

(also everything after this chapter is old okay yeah bye)

MY ( very old ) ART BOOK!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt