Im sorry!

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So it's not an art chapter I just really need to apologize for the lack of updates. I keep saying I'll update today or tomorrow but I get side tracked by God knows what and it's really problematic. I have plenty of drawing I could upload and would like to but I either don't have the time or when I do, I feel like you guys don't want to be spammed with a shit ton of art all at once.

Anyway, I'm really sorry for those that requested things because there's a lot I love ant to draw but sometimes don't have the time or energy to do so. I'm really thankful to all the people that read this and would like to thank you. It means a lot to see the votes and comments I get and it boost my confidence as an artist. I honestly kind of feel like drawing is the only real activity I partake in whole heartedly and it really makes me happy when people enjoy all the work I put into my art. I gives me a sense of purpose :)

Anyways, enough with that sappy shit and back to my main point. I'm sorry for not updating as of recently and I hope you guys understand!

You know what? You guys deserve a reward for being patient with me. (I know it's only been a few days but it felt like a century for me) so, here is a drawing (more like a bunch of doodles) I did in class today!

Enjoy! (I'll hopefully be posting tomorrow! Also, please tell me in the comments if you don't mind art spams because if really like to know! Thank you so much~❤️)

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Enjoy! (I'll hopefully be posting tomorrow! Also, please tell me in the comments if you don't mind art spams because if really like to know! Thank you so much~❤️)

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