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I was walking the streets of London making my way to the Underground train station. I was on my way back to the Professors after a trip to visit a now retired Mrs Macready. It was a year ago now that we left Narnia, the Pevensies had started boarding school not long afterward which had split us up yet again. Mrs Macready retired in the Autumn and I took over the housekeeping for my uncle. I enjoyed it though, I had talked to him and it turned out he was the famous Digory from the stories. He had also been to Narnia, so we get to spend a lot of time talking about it and exchanging tales.

I walked down the steps and into the underground only to be stopped in my tracks by a large crowd. As I continued to try and descend the stairs, a fight came into view. I gasped when I saw it was Peter fighting. He had certainly grown. He was now more of a young man than a boy, he looked more like he did in Narnia. I felt someone brush my shoulder and a familiar spark hit my stomach. Edmund had joined the fight.

If I hadn't watched them fight wars I don't think I could have watched it. The boys were losing, badly. With every shove and punch, I could tell the boys' motivation was growing weaker. Luckily a whistle blew in the distance. Soldiers had arrived, yelling and trying to break up the fight. "Act your age." One yelled as they separated the boys.

As the crowd dispersed I continued to make my way down the stairs, only to run into a familiar brunette.

"Alex?" She said. No it couldn't be...

"Lucy?" I replied. She ran to me engulfing me in a hug. "Oh I missed you Lucy!" I said with glee. "So have I. Although maybe not as much as Edmund." She giggled.

"Come on. I will take you to the others." And with that, we rushed to a bench where Susan sat.

"Susan!" I shouted to the pretty girl, as we walked toward her. She turned to us

"Lexi? Oh it is you!" She got up and we embraced. "What are you doing here?"

"I've been visiting old Macready. But I'm on my way back up to the manor. They both nodded, of course, they had sent letters over the year so they knew everything. Lucy pointed in the distance and I saw them.

Peter and Edmund hung their heads as they walked to us. "You would have thought that, as kings you were above those boys." I said causing them to look up.

"Alex!" Peter said in a far deeper voice than I remembered him having in England. He gave me a weak smile and hugged me. He put me down and looked at Susan who was looking at him in a 'why did that happen?' kind of way.

Ed and I locked eyes, he smiled at me before twirling me around. His arms much stronger than before. "I've missed you." He whispered into my neck, causing me to shudder. How I had missed him. He too had grown, becoming more muscular. If it were even possible, I would say he was even more handsome. He put me down and kissed me passionately. I was overjoyed, sparks flying between us. I swear I could fly.

I smiled as he placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you so much Ed." I whispered back. He smiled

"I love you too." We were so close I could see the twinkle in his eye and even after all these years, the same butterflies whizzed around my stomach as he placed a hand on my cheek.

"If you don't mind love birds but we have a train to catch." Peter said laughing. I blushed.

"You're welcome by the way!" Edmund said unhappily.

"I had it sorted!" Peter quipped back.

"What was it this time?" Susan sighed. What does she mean by this time? Has Peter gotten into a lot of fights? That doesn't sound anything like him.

"He bumped me," Peter answers simply.

"So you hit him?" asked Lucy innocently.

"No, After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize. That's when I hit him," Peter explained. I rolled my eyes. Peter really should know to be the bigger person and just to leave it.

"Really? Is it that hard to just walk away?" Susan questioned.

"I shouldn't have to," Peter snapped. "I mean don't you ever get tired of being treated like a kid,"

"We are kids," Edmund stated sarcastically.

"Well I wasn't always," Peter snapped bitterly.

"It's been a year. How long does he expect us to wait?" Peter referring to my father. I haven't seen him in a long time either and I miss him so much.

"I think that it's time to accept that we live here. It's no use pretending any different," Susan said. I looked at the ground frowning. What she said was true, we may be kings and queens in Narnia. But we've got to learn that we aren't going to be treated like royals here.

"Oh no," Susan mumbles. "Pretend you're talking to me,"

"We are talking to you," Edmund pointed out, earning a glare from Susan.

We had hardly sat down on a bench before Lucy stood up. "Ouch! Something pinched me!" She squealed. I felt something hit my back

"Ed!" I exclaimed.

"What?" He said blankly. Surely enough the rest of the Pevensies stood up too.

"It feels like magic!" Lucy whispered. A train came racing into the station and I couldn't help but think Lucy was right.

"Hold hands quick!" Susan yelled and I reached for Edmund. He grasped my hand reassuringly.

"I'm not holding your hand, Peter!" Edmund yelled but Peter grabbed it anyways.

As the wind hit us, I closed my eyes. And when I opened them I didn't expect to see a beach. I laughed tugging Ed along. As we ran to the ocean. We were home.

See The Castle Loom [2]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora