Vacation to L.A

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"Hey Alicia come here please" my boss Erica said. "Yea what is it Erica" I questioned. "You have been working for 2 months straight no days off" Erica implied. "Yea I know " I said. "You need a vacation" Erica replied. "Okay no problem" I said trying not to smile. "Where is one place you would like to go" Erica asked. "I would wanna go to Los Angeles California" I said. "Well I am glad you said that" Erica said with a smile on her face. "Why do you say it like that" I said smiling. "I have three plane tickets that I won on the radio but I can't go" Erica explained. "Okay are you serious whose filling in for me?" I asked. "Omar said that he will" Erica replied. Omar showed up in his uniform. "Alicia you may want to start packing, so go home and pack" Omar said. "Okay I will" I said taking the three plane tickets from Erica. "Hope you have fun and meet your guys, you know those twins you like" Omar said giving me a hug. "Okay I will let you know if I meet the Dolan Twins" I said with a huge smile on my face. "Text me when you are with them" Omar said. "Okay put your number in my phone" I said handing Omar my phone.Omar hands me his phone so that I can give him my number.

1 week later...

I walk into a mall that said Camillo Premium Outlets. I was with my friends Sam and Ashley. "Alicia get your nose out of your phone and pay attention where you walking" Ashley said. I didn't listen to her and accidentally ran into a muscular guy with a purple streak in his hair. "Sorry" I said as I blacked out. I wake up to find myself in an apartment that looks familiar, but I don't know why. I get up from the bed that I am laying in. "Anybody here" I said with a nervous voice. "Your awake" Ethan said walking up to me. "Yea um... can I use the restroom" I asked. "Yea just down that little hallway" Ethan replied. "Thanks" I said walking into the restroom. I walk out of the restroom and bump into Grayson. "Oh sorry Grayson" I said with my face turning beat red. "It's okay what's your name" Grayson asked me. "Alicia" I replied. "That's a beautiful name" Grayson said. "Thanks um... where is my phone I have to text someone" I told Grayson. "Okay ask Ethan he should know" Grayson replied. I looked and found him in his room on the bed I got up off of. "Um... Ethan um... where is my um.. phone" I finally manage to say. "Follow me" Ethan said grabbing my hand. "Ethan hands me my purse. "I think I fell in love with you, but I don't know your name" Ethan said. "My name is Alicia" I said gazing into his gorgeous brown eyes. "Would you be mad if I kissed you" Ethan asked me sounding nervous. "Um... no why would I be mad" I replied. Ethan kisses me on the lips. "You have soft lips" I told Ethan. "So do you" Ethan replied. "Do you like me?" I asked Ethan. "Yea I have a question for you" Ethan implied. "Ok ask me" I said gazing into his beautiful brown eyes. "Do you maybe... wanna be my girlfriend?" Ethan asked me. "Yes" I said kissing him on the lips. "Okay it's official we are together" Ethan said. "What about your fans" I asked. "I don't care what they think I am in love with you" Ethan replied. "Okay I have to text my friend Omar I promised him that I would let him know as soon as I met you and your brother" I told Ethan. "Okay babe" Ethan said. "Hey are you working?" I texted Omar "No why" he texted back. "Okay because I want to call you" I text back. Before I even get the chance to call him, he calls me. "Hello" I said answering the phone. "Hey what's up did you meet the twins"" Omar asked. "Yea and guess what" I said with excitement in my voice. "What did one of the twins ask you out" Omar said. "How'd you know" I asked Omar. "Just a good guess, which one asked you out?" Omar said. "Ethan is the one who asked me out" I replied. "Oh let me talk to him I don't believe you it's too good to be true" Omar replied. "Okay I will let you talk to him" I said finding Ethan in his room. "Okay" Omar said still not believing me. I cuddle up against Ethan's chest. "Hey babe still talking to Omar" Ethan said before kissing me. "Yea he wants to talk to you" I replied putting Omar on speaker phone. "Hey what's up Omar" Ethan said grabbing my phone. "Hey is this Ethan Dolan" Omar asked Ethan. "Yeah why do you want to know so badly" Ethan replied. "Okay I was just wondering Alicia told me she met you guys" Omar said. "Yeah I think I fell in love with her and now she is my girlfriend" Ethan said with the mesmerizing smile. I bury my bright red face into his chest and I love the cologne he is wearing. "Awe how cute Alicia's Dream came true" Omar replied. "Oh now since you believe my girlfriend I will let you go" Ethan said. "Okay man come to Denny's in Parma Ohio I wanna meet you" Omar said. "Okay I will with my girl Alicia and my brother Grayson" Ethan said. "Okay be here at 8:00 pm one day" Omar replied. "Okay talk to you then" Ethan said hanging up the phone and handing it back to me. I look up at Ethan, he looks down at me and kisses me. "Ethan do you know what today is" Grayson said walking into the room and sitting on the bed beside my feet. "It's Tuesday and after we do the video let's go to Parma Ohio I'll pay Alicia's ticket to come back here with us" Ethan said replied to his brother Grayson. "Okay deal but why you want to go to Parma Ohio" Grayson asked. "Ethan is going to meet my friend Omar with you and me" I replied.

The Dolan Twins: Ethan Falls In Love With Me. ✔Where stories live. Discover now