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Original Edition - Tip 21: Use your Good-Girl Powers

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I smirk at James as he raises an eyebrow at me in question. "So, how exactly are you planning to break into a classroom?"

"We're not breaking in, we're just going to use a classroom as our room of choice. Then we enter." I state.

"Okay, how are we going to 'enter' a classroom?" he makes air quotations.

"We twist the door handle and walk in."

He rolls his eyes, "You're impossible."


The weekend passed by as quickly as it arrived. Sunday was a particularly boring day that consisted of me waking up early for church and praying for those two moody, crying teenagers to just do everyone a favour and get back together. I also felt like a therapist to Carol, who was still trying to get to Mark. Of course, Mark hasn't talked to me since he hung up on me.

Luckily, I have a plan. And lucky for those crazy teenagers, they always seem to work.

James and I sit at our desks in the middle of second period Biology. Mrs. Lewis explains another concept regarding animal cells and what not while half the class is dazed or dozed off. I think she's getting tired of choosing me to answer every single question.

Hey! I didn't volunteer! I raised my hand for one question and now she's expecting me to answer everything. The only reason that I'm the only choice is because everyone else is not willing to participate. Apparently, the whole "we're all in this together" thing does not apply to my non-singing classmates.

I don't want to answer anymore! My throat is dry and I am parched!

Suddenly, Mrs. Lewis stops teaching and her eyes light up as if she remembers something. She scurries over to her organised desk and pulls out a pile of papers.

"Class, I almost forgot to tell you, we have a field trip this Friday!" she exclaims happily.

At the words "Field" and "Trip" everyone comes to life and starts shouting. The last science field trip I went on last year was quite scarring to be honest. But it was hilarious at the same time.

We went to the nature conservancy and there was a hike. James tied my shoelaces together when we were sitting down at a table, listening to the guide. I didn't notice, so when I got up I fell face first. Then, we went out for a hike. This is where it gets interesting. James decides to show off in front of some girl by flexing. What did oh-so wonderful Lara do? She subtly stuck her foot out while he was walking and conversing with female-0102.

Hilariously, he fell face first too. But in the mud. And in front of female-0102. Long story short, female-0102 latched onto some other guy and Lara laughed at James.

James also tried to murder me after that but as you can see, he didn't succeed.

"Yay!" I hear the person beside me yell. I look at him and see him pumping his fists in the air. "Where are we going?" he asks.

Once the noise level lessens, Mrs. Lewis starts to speak again. "We will be going to Ripley's aquarium!"

Another rounds of yays fill the room and we all cheer. I've never been there but I've heard it's really nice. I've also seen super cool pictures in tourist magazines for Toronto. Most of the people in this class are not even excited about the place, but the fact that we'll be out of school for a day.

"Here are your permission forms." she says while handing them out. "The fee for this trip is 25 dollars. You must hand it in by this Thursday at the latest."

We shove the forms in our backpacks. Just in time, the bell rings and we exit the classroom to our next class. Math. We enter the math class to see Ms. K doing something very, very strange. She's at her desk absorbed with some writing. What is normal for some teachers is bizarre for Ms. K.

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