Chapter 25/Ocean's of delight

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When I finally woke up I was lying between crisp linen sheets. They smelled fresh, the odd thought passed through my head was that whoever had taken me must have been a group of classy kidnapper(s). Then I thought I could feel myself moving almost swaying which meant the drug they had injected me with was still working. So I guessed the movement was the result of a miss judged dose which means they over guessed my weight. This obviously explained the weight interrogation, they wanted to give me the right dose. Correct sleep dose, crisp sheets I was dealing with the Apple of kidnappers. Would that be iKidnapp or Apple Knap?

I sat up. I was in a small room with a large mirror but no window. Whoever decorated liked brass and had a real nautical theme going. I tried to get up out of bed but the room just swayed so I fell back. I looked around the well appointed if small room. You had to admire these kidnappers - they certainly reinvested their huge profits back into the business. You would almost pay to be kidnapped here. I looked around the room, I needed something to use on an attacker. Would they feel threaten by a hairbrush? What kidnappers leave you with a hairbrush anyway? Did they want me to look my best for the ransom video? Just then the door opened and I stood up reached for the self-defence brush. In doing so I lost my balance.

"There you go," said Marta catching me and putting me back on the bed. "You OK?"

"Marta," I said. Then changed it to "Marta?.... What are you doing here? I thought you had been captured by the terrorists."

Marta opens her mouth but then shuts up, "I'm going to let you think about that one for a second."

I paused "It must have been the pentanol. We've both been captured by terrorists. That's great, I thought I had been grabbed by homeland defense."

"I'll give you partial credit on the terrorists." said Marta as she sat down on the bed and pushed me back on the sheets.

"You weren't kidnapped by terrorists?" I said.

"No, it turns out I was kidnapped by Alexander Strong. Or rather a team of mercenaries he hired to do it for him. He found them on eBay under thug. They stormed the bus and took me and this man called the Professor."

"The Professor?" I thought of the man in the bone yard."So we are not being held for ran...." I leaped on to my handbag like a kitten on a mouse.

"If you're looking for that test tube it's not there, " said Marta. She sounded different. What was different?

"It's really important," I said, "who has it?"

"Alexander has most of it," said Marta.

"And the rest?" I said.

"It's in me. He needed a Guinee pig " said Marta half smiling.

I shot round to Marta. "Shit what's it like? Does it work?"

"I'm more insulted that you can't tell your best friend isn't infected anymore," said Marta sitting down.

"How.. how does it feel?" I said while grabbing her hands.

"Like a fog has been lifted from me." Marta said "It's like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders. I don't feel different but to be honest I also feel massively guilty. I should have told you how I felt all those years about you. I guess I feared the answer."

"I'm sorry," I said, "I really am." 

There was a knock on the door.

"The He wants to talk to  you," said a voice. "he's on the phone" 

"I can't walk after that overdose they gave me," I said.

"You've overdosed?" said Marta "No way, You've been out for nearly a day. TDM has been up for hours they grabbed him with you."

"He's called Sam.  Yeah." I said "I can't get up I'm waving all over the place like I've had a pint of vodka"

Marta nearly laughed "Your fine. The reason your wobbling is you're on a ship and we are at sea." 

We walked out and up a ladder to the cruise cabin.

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