Chapter 4

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We all sit by a nearby lake. Serena next to Eddie, Nixie on the other side of Serena, Kate on the other side of Eddie and me next to Kate. Serena and Eddie are too busy sucking faces to speak. I get up, slowly. "I'm gonna go skip rocks, anyone wanna come?" Eddie pulls away from the deep kiss. "I'll come." No one else volunteers.

We walk down the side of the river. Once I find a perfect spot, I stop. I pick up half a handful of rocks, only the ones that seem the perfect size. I get four or five skips for each rock I throw before they sink. Eddie watches, and when he tried, his rocks sunk immediately. "How do you do that?" He asks, a bit irritated. "I have a good arm." I shrug. He stares in jealousy as I continue getting four or five skips with each rock. It makes me feel good.

We both sit a on a log. Silent. Silent as rocks. Eddie breaks the never ending silence. "You need to back off." He asks. "Back off?" I ask him, raising a brow. "Leave Kate alone. She's mine." I look at him like he's crazy."No, no, no. SERENA is yours, remember? Serena? Popular-type girl?" I ask. "Ugh, as if. Serena is just a booty call. My number two. Kate has always been my number one." I laugh, a bit harshly. This is guy definitely something. "You're such an ass! You only need one, and you should only have one! How do you think Serena feels, being your back up plan? You know what, don't answer that. I don't even want to hear your answer." I get up. "You can have Kate, but you won't have her around your finger for long. She'll be gone in the blink of an eye." I say and to Coach and Mr. and Mrs. Jones.

At 8:00 everyone is back, some returned at 8:05, claiming they were lost. Mrs. Jones announces that for supper we have her homemade white rice, fried chicken and beans. We all cheer. Mrs. Jones makes the best food in the area. She's a born cook...but she chose to be a teacher...I wonder why. After supper we head back to our actual camp, our tents waiting. "OK, everyone! Curfew is 10:30 and at the moment, it is 9:45!" Coach yells. Kate looks over at me, but no smile this time. Eddie gives me the death stare. Serena and Nixie as always, look my way, whisper to each other, and laugh. Does everyone hate me? Wait, not everyone...Shy doesnt. She smiles at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2014 ⏰

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