What have I done?

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Kathryn's POV.

I'm here in my room crying. I feel like I'm dead. I have no reason to live or even be happy anymore. My face, head, wrist, every part of my body hurts.


After grabbing my books from my locker, I walk out scanning the student parking lot for my brothers car. By the time I was scanning for his car, that I had borrowed, the parking lot was clear, only minimum cars left.

My gaze met Quen's furious ones. My stomach churred knowing I had to deal with my angry boyfriend. I slowly walked towards my brothers black Honda Civic where the angry boy was, clenching his fists, his jaw prominent, lips in a tight thin line, eyebrows furrowed angrily. His eyes burning into mines. I was getting scared and hesitant with every step closer I took.

"H-hi." I mumble, walking towards the driver side, not making eye contain with him. Before I could open the door he grabbed me by my wrist, causing my books to fall out of my arms. His grip tightened and slammed me against the car, making it shake a bit. My eyes wide as I stared at him, not having the strength to tell him to let me go. He was once again, hurting me and he's just squeezing at my wrist. There's definitely going to his hand mark there, bruised.

"What did I fucking tell you." He spat, his face inches away from mines and he narrows his angry eyes at me. His pupils taking over his brown iris.


"Kathryn." He growled,

"I-it's my j-job as president to sho-" I was cut off my him slapping my face, the impact caused my face to turn the other way. I gasp in pain, cupping my cheek with the hand he had let go to slap me with. I tried to hold in the tears, it was already brimming at the edge. If I blinked I know I wouldn't stop crying and showing him my vulnerability only made him feel more powerful.

He held my face with one hand, forcing me to look at him. His thumb on the right side of my jaw, and his four fingers on the other side of my face, he was tightening it, it was hurting me. I didn't dare to look him in the eyes. His look could probably kill me. That's how furious he was.

"Q-Quen s-stop," I breathe out.

He huffs and let's go of my face, my gaze dropped to my feet, panting. My heart beating rapidly, waiting for him to hit me again because I knew he wasn't done.

"Look at me." He sternly said. I refused, I shook my head. That was maybe a bad idea since he grabbed my by my neck and I was forced to look at him. His fingers tightening around my neck, I gasp for breaths but it was no use, his large hand was choking me to death. The longer he choked me, the weaker I got. My head was starting to feel light, my eyes desperately trying to stay open. I grabbed his wrist and tried to make him loosen his grip. He only held tighter, I'm pretty sure I was turning blue. I pound on his chest with all the strength I had left, to make him let me go.

I tried to suck in one last breath before I collapse, I failed. My legs gave up on me and I fell to the ground, and was panting. Taking in big breathes as if my life depended on it, and it did. I nearly died. My hand on the ground helping me stay up, my head light, I felt dizzy. I was clutching at my chest, as I try to make my irregular breathing normal again.

When Quen kneeled down to me, I thought he was going to apologize and help me, but instead he punched the other side of my face and pulled me up by my shirt. My chest heaving as I breathe frantically, looking at him. He had no emotion, like him hurting me was a good thing to him. He never looked at me in sympathy, when I was practically dying because of him.

"I told you, to stay away from him! I don't give a fuck if you're the president. You listen to me." Pure venom in his voice, I was terrified. I looked at away from him as the tears began to roll down my face. He slapped me, hard that the impact made me look in straight into his eyes. I whimpered at the sudden contact.

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