Can I

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A night out with friends, dinner and movie. Your tired body drags itself inside the theater. (MB name) MBN wraps his arm around your waist.

" Tired, or nahh?" He jokes letting go.

" Stop! Im tired." You pout and grab his arm. He takes your jacket and guide you to the seats at the bottom.

With 30 minutes left in the movie MBN  rubs your hair. Your eyes close erasing the memory of the screen.

" Babe?" He whispers. " Come on. Lets go to the car." You look up rubbing one eye. With no word you followed him outside.

" Wait, can I go to the restroom." You walk in leaving him to the view of the night.

He takes your hand as you come out and you both walk to his car.

He opens your door, like a gentleman placing your shoes on the backseat floor.

" Thanks baby." He bends down for a kiss. You roll your eyes and smile.

" So no kiss, nice!"

     MBN Drives back to his house to find the neighbors gone. A quiet condominium, the best place. In the elevator he picks you up wrapping your legs behind his back.

" Can I get my kiss now?" He asks pulling your back in.

" Nope!" You tease , yet give him one. His lips attract you into a make out session which led off the elevator. He spun around to open his door and dropped the bags in the hall. Before he kissed down your neck you hopped down to take off your mini jacket. Your small dress wasn't something you'd mind getting wet so you walked into the bathroom.

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