Aladdin's True Identity

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'Huh? What are those things?' Faith wondered as she watched the glowing energy swirl around Ugo's hands. There were flickering flecks of light floating in the air, gathering around Aladdin and the Djinn. She had never seen this happen before. 'They look kind of like luminous two-winged butterflies... or stylized birds made of light...' The flapping little wings of light were absorbed by the Djinn, and then a red light formed around Ugo's hands. The Djinn sprang forward, raising his hands high as he charged fearlessly toward the slime king. Reaching his target, Ugo clasped his hands together and brought them crashing down on  the slime king, unleashing all the built up energy around his hands with such an incredibly immense force that the slime king was instantly obliterated in a blinding explosion of heat and light. Alibaba and Faith had to shield their faces and brace themselves against a blast of hot air, and by the time they lowered their arms, it was already over. Ugo had returned to his flute, and all that was left of the slime king was a huge, deep, smoldering crater. The two teens stared at the scene of the aftermath in amazement.

"... Damn," Faith said, stunned. "That was... freakin' A, man!!" She had no idea Ugo could do that!

"Yeah... That was awesome..." Alibaba agreed, peering over the edge of the crater. "He even cracked a huge hole in the ground. Even that slimy freak instantly turned to ash! How come you didn't tell me you had a bad ass move like that?" he asked excitedly. "If your timing was a little later, we would've been dead. And you were beating them back with your bare hands!" he said excitedly, glancing back and forth between Aladdin and Faith. "Dude, with the three of us together, there's no dungeon that we can't handle!"

"Hehe... Ugo-kun's strong, isn't he?" Aladdin said quietly with a weak smile and small laugh.

"Hey, are you all right?" Faith asked, frowning with concern.

"Yeah, you look pale..." said Alibaba as they both hurried over to check on him.

"Really? I guess I used too much power there... It's fine, though. If I eat a whole lot and rest a long time, I'll be okay!" Aladdin said as cheerfully as he could manage, in an attempt to reassure them. He didn't want his friends to worry.

"You sure?" Faith asked. She had never seen him looking this bad off before.

"I'm sure!" Aladdin said with a weak smile. And then Faith's stomach growled ferociously, echoing throughout the cavern.

"... Uh, now that you mention it... I guess I could use a little food and rest myself..." she said, sweat-dropping, as she placed a hand over her hungry stomach. Now that her adrenaline was no longer pumping, she felt like she needed a nap.

"I-I have an idea!" said Alibaba suddenly, removing the bundles he had strapped to his back. Inside one was a copious amount of food. Faith and Aladdin's eyes lit up at the sight, and the three of them decided to stop and have a lunch break to give Aladdin some time to recover his strength.

"If you want, there's  still more!" Alibaba told Aladdin after they had been eating for a while, ready to dish him another serving.

"No, I'm fine, thanks..." Aladdin replied, stuffed.

"I won't say 'no' to another bite!" said Faith.

"You know," Alibaba said, annoyed that she was bossing him around again, "if you keep this up, you're gonna get fa—"

"German suplex!!" Faith shouted angrily as she grabbed Alibaba and bent over backwards, slamming him into the ground.

"Oww!!? What was that for, you bi..." Alibaba started to demand incredulously with tears in his eyes while holding his aching head as he looked up to face Faith, only to find her face inches away from his.

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