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To be honest i'm quite excited to be writing this. I can already tell it's going to be fun!

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! i simply own the plot. Puzzle/blind, tender, puppy, and bronzshipping would be cannon if i did.

Note: I do not know anything about ships or there terms anything you see here i got from the internet. Please feel free to correct me if i messed up a term or didn't use one properly.

Yugi climbed into the boat Yami just behind him. Yugi turned and took in one last look of his home town. His friends would miss and he hadn't the time to say goodbye, but that didn't mean he couldn't write. He could imagine there panicked and scared faces when they found out he wasn't home. Maybe he should have left a note. That time was passed, however since they were already sailing away, the water becoming an ever-growing barrier between them.

He turned to his stuff and picked them up. It wasn't a lot since he didn't have a lot of time to pack, just some clothes, books, and a blanket and pillow.

"So where do I put this," he said gesturing to his stuff.

Yami looked at him and said, "Anywhere in the mid cabin."

Yugi just looked at him.


"What exactly is a 'mid cabin'?" Yugi asked.

Yami mentally face-palmed, of course Yugi wouldn't know what that was. The boy probably hadn't ridden a boat until now. "The sleeping chambers" Yami said.

"Oh," Yugi said. "Ok!"

Yugi turned and was about to go when Yami grabbed his arm. He turned towards Yami. "Yes?" he said.

"The cot nearest the stairs is mine," Yami said.

"Right." was all Yugi said before he made his way to the stairs and set his stuff down next a cot adjacent to Yami's. He took a look around. It was a fairly large room no doubt as long as the boat itself. There was a closed off room at the end of the one he was currently standing in and if he had to guess he'd say that it was the restroom.

After his quick look around he went up the stairs to join Yami in looking over the sea. He was glad it was such a perfect day seeing as this was his first time riding a boat. He would like to start small and not have worry about rough waters. Another thing he was grateful for was the fact that he wasn't one to get sea sick. He looked to the clouds they were white and a puffy. He smiled remembering a game he and his friends would play. It was quite simple really, all you had to do was look at the clouds and whoever came up with the most things one cloud could be would be the winner.

Then a thought accrued to him; he hadn't the slightest idea on what it was they were trying to find. How could he even think to help if he didn't know this one simple fact?

"So Yami," he began. "What exactly are we trying to find?"

"Oh right I didn't tell you did i?" he said. "well were trying to find seven items known as The Millennium Items."

"Millennium Items? What's that?" Yugi asked.

"it was said that they were used during ancient times, back when witches and demons ruled the land. Each item had its own ability and rumors have it that the ability differs on who its wielder is. I have actually been looking for this for three years, and even then I have only been able to gather this much information. There's a whole legend on them stating that if you control all seven you are granted the power to rule the world, but a terrible cost." Yami said.

"well wait if you've been after this for three years and that's all you can find why even bother with my help?" Yugi asked bewildered.

"It's like I said because it's fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2014 ⏰

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