Chapter 1

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"And they say chivalry is dead"

Octavia's POV:



Hearing that amazing sound in the morning is just amazing. Amazing knowing that I have to spend another day, in this place most people call 'hell'. Or it's best known as school.

Just another day in sweet old Riverdale. Which nothing much happens here and I always wished something would, I just didn't know that wish would soon come true.

Getting up at 6 in the morning is dreadful and extremely tiring. I finally decided to get out of bed after sitting there for 15 mins thinking if I should go back to bed. Letting my hair out of the bun that rested on my head, fall, I made my way to the bathroom.

I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair a little. I went with the natural look I go for everyday. The natural wavy hair and well little to no makeup. Mostly mascara and fixing my eyebrows up a bit. I don't try that hard.

As I made my way to my closet, I grabbed my phone turning Spotify.

Looking into my closet. I grabbed an outfit that I found suitable for the weather today. Noting that it's the middle of fall.

"Octavia! Come down for breakfast!" I could hear my dad screaming from the kitchen

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"Octavia! Come down for breakfast!" I could hear my dad screaming from the kitchen.

As I finished change, I grabbed my backpack, phone, and my black leather jacket. I looked in the mirror one last time. Applying chapstick to my lips.

"You can do this! You can get through this day, like you always do!" I told myself as I smiled in the mirror.

Making my way to the kitchen, I noticed three suitcases at the end of the staircase.

"Morning!" I said as I went straight to the fridge for orange juice.

"Morning sweetie!" Said dad as he kissed my cheek.

"What are the suitcases for?" I asked as I sat at the island chair.

"I'm going away on a business trip. We can talk more about this during dinner tonight. Eat up." He said as he handed me a plate of eggs, toast and sausage.

"Okay. Must be going on a long trip if you're taking three suitcases." I said as I stuffed my face with food.

"Yes. Now finishing eating or you'll be late to school." He said as he sat down beginning to eat.

I finished eating. Kissing my dad on the cheek as I left for the front door. Hopping into my car, I hear the passenger door open.

"Hey O!" Said Amelia.

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