Chapter 5

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Dom's POV

"Marry me," Leo moaned as he ate mi mamá's food. A smile was on my face as I watched her pile more and more food onto his plate with a bright smile. My mate had the biggest plate of food, by far, and mi mamá was having a great time giving him more and more.

"Already am married hun, but I will make you food whenever you'd like." She told him. That made my mate happy because he nodded rapidly before shoveling more food in his mouth. A warm smile was on both of my parents faces as they stared at my mate. Mi madre's smile was stiff but mi mamá's was warm and loving. Leave it to my mate to fill up on food before dessert.

"Slow down mi amor, we still have dessert." I lightly scolded with clenched teeth. His movements slowed down to a more calm speed, but he did continue eating. When I looked over at mi mamá she was looking at the two of us in awe. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, because mi mamá would backhand me, I looked over at mi madre. She was staring at me with a heated expression.

"What?" I snapped making silence fall over the room. Mi madre just stared at me with a raised eyebrow. Why the fuck didn't she like my perfect mate?

"Nothing. So Leo, how are your parents?" She asked stiffly. Leo visibly tensed at that question as tension grew between them. Everyone in the room stopped eating and my mate quickly looked over at me.

Do something. Please...I-just s-say something. He begged through our mind-link. At that point I wanted to pull him into my arms and never let him go. Granted, I wanted to do that all the time, but now I wanted to even more. After everything his parents put him through...

"Lets talk about something different." I suggested shooting a knowing look at both of my parents. They both seemed to understand and stopped that disaster waiting to happen.

"Everyone finish up dinner. Next is dessert and then baby pictures of Dominick." Mi mamá happily cheered causing me to groan. Before I could protest mi madre was grabbing plates and asking, more so demanding, for me to help. As I stood up I saw mi amor and mi mamá walking over to where she had put all of the desserts. Good, they'd be distracted and I could ask mi madre what was wrong.

"Why don't you like Leo?" I questioned once we were in the kitchen and out of hearing range for both of our mates.

"What are you talking about?" She asked innocently. Innocent my ass.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I growled out at her. "Leo had been trying to make a good impression, and every time he's tried to talk to you, you act like he's nothing. Before coming over here he was freaking out because he thought you two would hate him, well I guess he was right about one of you." I seethed. She might be mi madre but Leo was my mate. He came before anyone, or anything, else.

"I don't hate him. It's just that-I feel like he's hiding something from you. He seems to be faking happiness. Also, he's stealing you away from us." She answered honestly.

"You don't like him because you don't think he's happy enough?" I was very annoyed at this point.

"Yeah..." she sighed. "Okay, that's a stupid reason, but it's true." She defended herself.

"Whatever, and what do you think he's hiding from me?" I demanded. Mi madre looked up at me with a sympathetic expression etched into her features.

"Honestly, I don't know. For some reason it feels like he's not being very truthful with you." That was her answer.

"My mate does not lie to me. Understand? Your mate likes him and I love him. So you need to stop acting like a child and be happy for me. Please." My voice was low as Ezekiel, my wolf, wanted to take over. Mi madre nodded before pulling me into a hug.

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