Chapter 4

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Leo's POV

When I woke up I was wrapped up in a blanket and laying on my mates chest. He was watching something on the TV so he hadn't realized I was awake yet. Deciding the I liked our position, I moved slightly so I could see the TV but otherwise stayed there.

"Afternoon," Dom's incredibly deep voice greeted once he realized I was awake. A blush settled on my cheeks making me bury my head in his chest. Ugh, I hated the feeling of blushing. It made me feel all...girly, and it doesn't help that Dom's so...dominant. When I went to move around I didn't feel my usual boxer-briefs. Instead I felt a lot of strings and like everything was was out in the open. My ass felt like it was just there and my dick had no support whatsoever.

"Ummmm, Dom? What the hell did you put on me?" I questioned with a raised eyebrow. My mate's attention turned away from the TV and onto me as a smirk graced his features.

"A sweatshirt of mine; you always wear some form of shirt of mine after sex. Why mi amor?" I could literally hear the sarcasm in his voice. Deciding he'd be no help at all, I sat up and pulled the sweatshirt up to above my belly button.

"What the fuck?!" I gasped as I saw the 'underwear' I was wearing. This is coming off.

"Hot right? Don't even think about taking them off. Understand?" He growled out the last two sentences making a shiver run down my spine. Before I could stop myself, I was nodding at my dominate mate.

"Mmmhhh, you look really sexy in them though." Dom's hands move to rest on my hips before he pulled me forward a little bit. I had to rest my hands on his chest as our eyes locked together.

"Thanks?" That's response caused a deep laugh to escape his mouth.

"You're adorable." He smiled a surprisingly warm smile. My lips pulled into a smile too before I leaned down to capture his lips with my own. At first the kiss was soft and sweet, but that quickly stopped once my mate's hands moved to grab handfuls of my ass. A quiet moan was muffled by his mouth as he took control of the kiss. My mate's finger ran along the string between my ass before he lifted it causing it to come down on my crack. A high-pitched whine left my mouth at the stinging feeling causing me to grow hard.

"As much as I want to continue this, we cannot. Dinner with my parents, remember?" Dom pulled away from my mouth. An irritated growl escaped my lips making his growl back.

"I really don't want to. Please," I begged with puppy eyes. My dominate mate shook his head before picking me up and walking with me up to our room. Once we got up to our room he tossed me on the bed and went into the closet. I went to follow him but his voice stopped me.

"I'm picking out your clothes. No complaining about what I pick out." He demanded.

"And of I do complain?" I asked with a smirk. Oh what could he possibly do? Spank me.

Yeah, I will. Your ass will be beet red. I don't think my face has ever been redder. The bad thing is, I don't even think he's joking. After a good ten minutes he came out of he closet dressed with my clothes in his hands. I looked up at him when he stopped in front of me before he pulled me out of our bed.

"What did you pick out for me?" I asked with a yawn. Now, he was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist and his chin was resting my my shoulder.

"Why don't you look princess." He nudged me. I was shocked by that nickname. That's a new one, but it felt so right hearing him call me that. A light blush dusted my cheeks as I unfolded the clothes that were still in my mate's hands. Surprisingly, that clothes were actually something I would have picked out. Except for one thing.

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