Love tags chapter 3

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☺Love Tags3☺


I think my editor went MIA

:0 But yeah I've been preoccupied too with my life so that's a delay as well :-/

But my editor did co-write some of this :D

Thanks!! :)


<Third person POV>

After they had finished eating, Rose and Tobias sat in comfortable silence, chatting about everything from pets to music.

"No! Adele is so much better than The Wanted, how can you even compare them!" Rose said, a smile forming at the corners of her lips.

"Psh, you clearly have no taste, The Wanted is where it's at." Tobias stated.

"Oh I'm the one without taste! And this is coming from the guy who prefers Snickers to Milky Ways!"

"Oh don't start that again, we already went over this, Snickers have peanuts, therefore making them way better than Milky Ways."


Tobias rolled his eyes, "You're hopeless."

As their banter continued, Tobias sat in amazement, taking in Rose's beauty once again; her hair was in a cute up-do showing her beautiful face. A curled stand of hair was loose dangling beside her cheek. She wore an electric blue cocktail dress that made Tobias's mouth water. Her makeup was perfect, not too heavy the way many girls did theirs. His eyes drifted down to her chest, but quickly snapped up to her eyes. Tobias blushed slightly and cleared his throat, "So how was your food?" She smiled and replied, "Wonderful, the beast is satisfied, how was yours?"

"Good, I'm stuffed." He patted his stomach and let out a belch making Rose giggle.

"So, desert?" Tobias asked knowing the answer; all girls liked chocolate. It's in their genes!

"Mmm I'm kinda full. sorry..." Rose giggled and blushed lightly. "Cute" Tobias thought. Soon they again sat in silence, the low music now sounding louder. Tobias smiled at her, "Are you ready to go, my dear?"

She nodded and started to get up, then turned around to grab her purse, giving Tobias a short view of her ass. It was perfect to him, round and delicate. "You done looking at my ass Tobias?" Rose laughed, "Com'on, let's go." His gaze quickly left her butt and went to the patterned floor.

With that they both left the resraught with full bellies and were now in Tobias's car.

"Someeeeeeonee like youuuuuuu!" Rose sang sorta screechy, making tobias grimace. He quickly turned it to a different station and ironically it was the wanted, glad you came. He grinned at roses scrunched up nose.

"My universe will never be the same I'm glad you came, I'm glad youuu came. You put a spell on me, spell on me and-"

Rose was so mesmerized by Tobias's voice she couldn't hear his voice. It wasn't awful like most men but rather smooth and just really good!

"See The Wanted is kick ass compared to Adele" he said with a wink, Rose rolled her eyes and playfully punched his shoulder, "Don't dis on Adele. She's awesome in her own way." He laughed and thought, "your so cute," If only he could tell her that, but that would ruin it. They then began to ride in silence, The radio playing Secrets by One Republic. It was a comfy silence. Rose knew she might never forget this night. Tobias was a good guy with good intensions... Even if he was a little flirty. If her father were here, she'd never hear the end of it or tobias wouldn't. Rose thought about what it would be like if they ever had kids... Tobias would be that protective father. She then quickly interrupted that thought. Children? Was that too soon? They weren't even together! How absurd.... Or was it?

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