Alex's Last Day

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Harper greeted Alex.

Shocked, Alex replied, "Oh. Hey Harper. Um... what are you wearing? Not that it's a bad thing, but why?"

"Well, I thought that since our flight is at noon, you'd want some food. And what food is better than bacon and egg? NOTHING, that's what!" Harper answered.

"Oh, ok." Embarrassed, Alex led Harper to the Russo family living room. "So Miss 'Planner,' what are we doing first?"
Harper, offended, answered. "Well, if you must know, I was thinking that, knowing you, we would have to do some packing. I don't really think you finished, so. Then after we change, then eat. Then say goodbye to your family. And then we leave a quarter before noon."

"Sure. Doesn't matter." Thinking for a moment, Alex thought of  a problem with Harper's schedule. "Wait. Where's the part where we go to the washroom?!" Alex chuckled. "Hehehe!"

"Alex!" Harper sighed. "This is serious. We are actually leaving Waverly Place. I just want to make sure everything goes perfectly. I mean, it's not like we can just poof back hear if there is a problem. Luckily, I bought those refundable tickets, you know, if we change our mind today than I don't lose any money." Harper explained to Alex why she wanted everything to go perfectly.

"Yup, I'm listening." Alex said as Harper continued.

"So, that is why I want to  plan everything. So did you finish packing last night?" Harper asked.

She was shocked by Alex's answer, "Yeah!"

"Really? You actually finished. I'm so surprised. Well I guess we have some extra time. Hmmm..." Harper thought for a moment. "Maybe, we can visit some of our friends and tell them the news. You can decide some things, you know if you would actually want to re-think this."

Alex interrupted, "A, how much time did you plan for 'last minute packing?' And B, I am not re-thinking about this. Harper, listen. If you don't want to go with me, then don't. I mean seriously, I want to go live with Aunt Meg. There's no magic, no Mason. And Paris is beautiful. And guess where she lives and works! IN THE EIFFEL TOWER!"

"Alright. Calm down, Alex." Harper seemed annoyed with Alex's reasonings.

After they finished discussing what they would do in their free time, the went up to Alex's room where she kept her clothes she would wear for the flight. They, then went downstairs into the substation, to eat some breakfast. When all of a sudden, a male voice called Alex.

"YO, Russo!" He yelled.

"Dean?!" Alex glanced at the man. "DEAN! What are you doing here?"

"Well, I got back in town last night, and, well I just wanted to tell you, I'm staying here! I'm not moving away anymore. And I heard that you broke up with your boyfriend. What's his name, Aaron?"

"Mason," Alex corrected him. "And yeah, I did break up with him. And it's, uh, great that you're staying."

"What's wrong, Russo? You don't seem very happy to see me." asked Dean.

"Well, um, I'm kind of, uh, moving to Paris." Alex answered him.

"Oh." Dean said surprisingly. "OK. I just thought that we can, you know, get back together. And then, you know, do somethings like we use to."

"You know what, we should. I mean, maybe I can, um, visit from time to time. Or maybe, you can come and move to Paris with us." Alex reasoned.

"Russo, I can't do that. I promised my folks that I am staying here. I can't just pack up and move away again. Look, Alex---"

"Wow, you must be serious, you actually said her name," Harper interrupted. Alex glared at her.

"Well, anyways. I you aren't going to stay with me, and move to Paris, than, I'm sorry, I can't be with you anymore." Dean backed away.

"Dean." Alex paused. "I understand. But, if I change my mind, I will tell you. I love you." Alex let a single tear drop. As Dean exited the substation, Alex turned to Harper. Her face full of tears.

Harper couldn't stand watching Alex cry. She has only done that once in the past. "Oh, Alex. It's okay. We will have a great time in a few hours. You know, we can go shopping in Paris. Visit your Aunt. Find a place where we can stay. And we can just, relax. I mean, that is what you keep telling me to do." Harper tried to cheer up her best friend. It seemed to not have worked.

"Oh, Right." Alex said hesitantly. 

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