The Decision

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Alex told Harper, that she was going to live with her Aunt Megan. Harper made a very good point. Dean wasn't the most reliable person. Alex had her bag packed, she said her Goodbyes, and told Harper to keep in touch.

"Oh, we're going to miss you Alex. Aren't we Justin." Theresa glared at her son.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

Max spoke up, "Um, can I have her room?"

"Max! Alex, honey, are you really going to live with Kelbo?" Theresa asked, she had a slight feeling there was something not right.

Alex looked at Harper. Then she faced her mother.

"OK, the truth is, I'm not actually living with Uncle Kelbo." Her mother looked relieved. "Wait. I'm Not going to live with Uncle Kelbo, because, I'm going to live with Aunt Meg." Alex explained. "I mean, if I live with him, he's just going to remind me that I can't be with Mason, because of my powers being gone. And besides, Aunt Meg is an artist, like me." Jerry had a very worried look.

Surprised, he said, "Oh. OK. But, um, don't you think that, your Aunt Megan is a little bit, I don't know, rambunctious?"

"No." she answered, shaking her head. "And, plus, I have NO idea, what rambunctious means." Alex chuckled.

"Well, don't you remember the last time you saw your aunt? You tried to get her to take the Wizard test again. And she disagreed. Remember? You were so close to being mortals! So, it's your choice. But, I advise you to not leave." Jerry tried to reason with her.

She thought for a moment, "Nah!" She blurted. "It's OK, dad. I'm going to be fine. Quit being such a dad!" Alex snickered. "Later, Harper and I are going to pack up the last of my things in our apartment. Aren't we Harper?" Alex glanced over to her concerned looking best friend.
"Um. Sure. But if you guys," Harper pointed at the Russo family, "want to come, you're  more than welcome in, what's soon to be, my apartment," she paused. "So you guys can help us pack up Alex's stuff."
Alex rolled her eyes. She knew Harper was trying to talk her out of leaving the country, but Alex knows Harper like the back of her hand. She couldn't be tricked by Harper.
"Harper," Alex sighed. "I know what you're trying to do. And its not going to work."
Harper replied. "I know. Its just that you're my best friend. I don't understand why, but, I'm going to miss your tricks. And," Harper started tearing up, "and... and... and your the only one who understands me. What if I come with you?"
Alex shook her head.
"Ugh!" Justin groaned. "Honestly! Alex, take Harper with you, we can pack up your things and you can, LEAVE!"
"JUSTIN!" Theresa scolded him. "That's not how you talk to your sister. Alex, you have a choice. But I think Justin's right, you should bring Harper. You know, cause she your best friend."
Alex answered, "fine, Harper you can come with me." Alex watched Harper squeal.
"Alright! Let's go pack up our things!"
Harper said after calming down.
"Sure." Alex answered, trying to sound excited.

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