Secret Lessons...

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Narrator's POV

Harry James Potter, aka Lady Mercy, stormed into the Potions Classroom half an hour before the class even started.

Sensing Harry's anger, Severus asked, "What's wrong, my Lady?"

Harry said nothing, grabbed a glass vial and smashed it on the ground, "THAT BITCH!"

Severus quickly used "Accio" to pick up the glass shards before Harry accidentally cut himself.

"Harry, what's wrong?" Severus gently asked

"That bitch took my locket, Uncle Sev." Harry sneered

"Who?" Severus asked

"That new chick, Madam Umbridge." Harry answered

"What happened?" Severus asked

"We were leaving DADA and she just walked up to us and took it and then put it in her own neck saying 'buys don't wear jewelry'." Harry told

"I'll talk to her at dinner." Severus soothed, "I'll get it back for you, don't worry."

"Okay." Harry gave in

"Do you want to start today's lesson ahead of everyone or do you wish to leave?" Snape asked

"Sure, what are we brewing?" Harry asked

"An Invigoration Draught" Severus answered, entering his supply room and setting up for the class


Dolores Umbridge removed her sweater for what seemed to be the hundredth time today, sweating a storm.

Within seconds she put it back on since she was now freezing.

Dolores swore she was getting sick, but the nurse said she was perfectly healthy.

Little did she know that the there was a Horcrux was playing with her mind.


At the dinner feast, Severus failed at convincing Dolores to return the locket to Harry and she threatened to have him fired for questioning her decision.


Later that week, both Severus and Remus approached Harry with lists.

"The Dark Lord wants us to teach you some forbidden curriculum, cub." Remus informed

"He heard about Umbridge's changes in the courses, so he wants us to train you in the Chamber of Secrets, Harry." Snape added

"Sure, I'll go grab my friends and you guys can meets me at the entrance. Salazar or someone left a ton of supplies done there with freshening spells." Harry said, running to the Slytherin Dorm

A few minutes later, Harry, Neville, Draco, Luna, Hermione, Theo, Pansy, Fred, and George found Severus and Remus at the entrance.

Cedric and Percy had already graduated last year, but they kept in touch as did Viktor and Fleur.

Harry quickly hissed, "Open." and the group slid down the tunnel

Harry then led them into the main chamber and they all marveled at the sight.

"If you guys think this is nice, you should see the other parts." Harry laughed

"We'd love to mess around, Harry, but after today's lesson." Hermione reminded

"I have an idea what it is." Luna muttered

"Today we're going to start with learning performing Patrounuses." Remus said

"The spell for this is 'Expecto Patronum' and hopefully your patrounus will appear." Severus said

"For example my patrounus is the Grim." Remus added, casting the spell

"And mine is a doe." Severus concluded, showing his patrounus

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Everyone shouted

Harry's patrounus was the basilisk, Hermione's was a owl, Draco's was a ferret, Luna's was a cat, Theo's was a shark, Pansy's was a bat, Fred's was a niffler, and George's was a bowtruckle.


Upstairs in the Room of Requirement, Ron was hosting a group just like the parts of Mercy's Council in the Chamber.

Dumbledore's Army, as they decided to be called, were attempted to cast their patronuses but were failing miserably.

Ron's magical core was actually little above a Squib's, so he was extremely weak while Harry's was on the same level as Merlin's.


Umbridge's new rules were making classes impossible and the two secret groups still continued to study until Fred and George were invited to join Dumbledore's Army and they left an anonymous note telling her about it.

Also in Umbridge's new rules: Qudditch was banned; study groups were banned; pets were banned —Umbridge also smashed Neville's plant, Hades, when he claimed it wasn't a pet—; banned non-educational objects; banned non-educational books; and Weasley Wizarding Wheezes were banned.

Tom was absolutely livid about this woman, Harry had kept him updated on what was happening and he promised that she would die soon.

But first they had other things to do...

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