Chapter 2 - The Damned Dog! and My Poor Bowl of Amazingness

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W A R N I N G: this chapter hasn't been edited.


Night's POV:

Something warm, and wet touched my cheek.

I opened my eyes, and saw Dylan O'Brien Standing above me.

'Oh Night! I missed you...' Dylan whispered, pulling back after planting on more kiss on my cheek. 'Oh Dylan! I missed you to!' I whispered back.

'Please! Marry me Night!' Magically a ring had appeared in Dylan's hand.

'Oh Dylan yes! yes! I will!'

Dylan smiled and pulled me in for a kiss.

But licked my cheek, 'Woof! Woof!' Dylan shouted. 'Dylan honey, why are you barking?'

'Woof! Woof!' was his reply, slowly my vision cleared, Dylan fading away, morphing into the familiar brown fury ears of Nose, my Cocker-Spaniel. Nose lurched forwards and licked my face again, wagging his tail.

'Ok. Ok!  Enough Nose! I love you too!' I lazily pushed Nose off me and sat up. It was only then that I realise that I was lying in a heap on the floor, tangled in my sheets and pillows.

I rolled around for a while before finally untangling myself and getting up, 'FINALLY! FREEDOM!' I did a quick Moon-Walk and some other crazy random dance moves that I had been practising for my so called, 'Happy Dance' Everyone in books and movies has them! So I thought... Why not create one myself!

I grabbed my phone off the side table and looked at the time, 7:56 pm, nearly 8.

I pulled on a baggy Hoodie and some Ugg-Boots before slipping out of my bedroom, sliding down the stairs and coming to a stop in the kitchen. I pulled out some Rice-Bubbles and a bowl, my favourite thing in the whole entire world was Rice-Bubbles... I loved them to Pluto and back a zillion times!

'Ooh! Rice-Bubbles! Ooh! Rice-Bubbles! Ooh dear dear Rice-Bubbles! I love you so! So SO MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH!' I sung, shouting the last word before taking my bows.

I tipped the Rice-Bubble's box upside-down, but only a handful or two came out.

I gently tapped the box... Nothing.

I tapped it a little harder... Zilch

I shook it a little...Zero Zero Zero

I jiggled it up and down furiously...Tada! 0.

I dropped the box on the floor jumping up and down ontop of it. 'THERE'S NO MORE RICE-BUBBLES!' I cried, my bottom lip trembling, 'SOMEONE CALL 000!'

I looked at my bowl, staring lustfully at the small portion of Rice-Bubbles it held, well... that'd have to make do.

I grabbed the milk, pouring in the exact amount before picking up the bowl and twirling it around.

I tripped over Nose's paw and -SMASH! CRACK! SLURP!

My glorious bowl of amazingness fell to the floor, spilling everywhere.

All I could do was stare, helplessly at the amazingness spread all across the kitchen floor, now I don't know about you, but I find amazingness awfully hard to clean up.

After about 5 minutes of staring murderously at Nose, I snatched up my phone from the table and aimlessly called the first number that came to mind.

'Hi this is Johno from Dominoes Pizza speaking! What can I get you?'

'Ahh... let's see now... 3 Hawaiians, 2 Margaritas, 1 Pepperoni, 2 Bouble Meat, and 1 All Ausie thank you!' I smiled widely, thinking about all my delicious Pizzas, but pouted slightly when I thought of my poor poor wrecked bowl of amazingness.

'I suppose your having a family dinner or a party perhaps?'  the guy on the other end of the line asked.

'Nope' I said.

'Then whats all the pizza for might I ask ma'am?' The guy 'Johno' sounded slightly confused.

'It's all for me Johno... All for me'


The other end of the line was silent for a while.

'Ok...umm...Now let me repeat that for you, 3 Hawaiians, 2 Margaritas, 1 Pepperoni, 2 Bouble Meat, and 1 All Ausie is that it Ma'am?'

'Ohh! And one lemonade and a coke please!' I drooled slightly just imagining it.

'...Uh... huh... that will be $78 all up Ma'am!'

'Kay great!' I hung up, lets hope it gets here quickly, I'm starving!

...1 Minute later...

Knock. knock. knock.

Huh? That was quick pizza? Anyways can't complain can I?

I Skipped over to the front door, tying my hair in a high pony tail and letting it swish back and forth as I walked.

I reached the door and threw it open, 'PIZZA!' I screeched! Jumping out of the door.

No-one was there, huh... I thought it was a bit quick for Pizza...

'HELLLLOOOO?' I yelled, knowing that I'd annoy my horrible neighbours, Mr and Mrs Prontel. They were frustrating and annoying, suddenly I song came into my head. 'HELLO TO THE OUTSIIIIIIIIIDE! I MUSTA CALLED A THOUSAND TIIIIIIMES! TO TELL YOU I'M SORRY FOR EVERYTHING THAT I'VE DONE! WHENEVER I CALL YOU NEVER SEEM TO BE HOME!' I yelled at the top of my sorry lungs.

I heard a bark from behind me and whirled around to see Nose running out the door and down the street.

'NOSE!' I called, but he kept running.

The damned dog!

I ran off after him, not knowing what else to do. I turned a few corners, the sky was dark and the stars hung loosely, as if they were held up by one single thread. I ran past creepy alleyways and bins.

I wasn't panting of sweating a matter of factly. When I was in primary school I went to districts for Cross-Country, so frankly, I can pace really well. I looked around, grey tall brick building and bins, the scene had changed drastically from my nice street, with peachy trees in the front garden, perfectly mowed grass lining every house, stepping stones that lead you to the front door.

I looked behind me still running forwards, I looked back just in time to see a tall dark figure jump out of an alleyway, holding a...needle? Not being able to stop I crashed straight into him, he grabbed my arm, and before I could yank it away or punch him he sunk it through my skin and injected the stuff into me.


Everything disintegrated around me, leaving me hovering in complete whiteness, feelign nothing, and seeing nothing.


Thx for reading this!

You people must eat a lot of Amazingness filled bowl because your amazing!

Awesomeness sent from...The Exclamation mark girl!

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