Chapter 1 - Miss White

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Night's POV:

Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick. The stopwatch ticked endlessly where it lay askew on the teacher's desk.

'30 seconds class!' Miss White yelled in her firm yet gentle voice.

Miss White was my favourite teacher, she was a single, strong, independent women, with a clingy ex-husband, yet she still new how to handle your average crazy teenage. Thats what made her such a perfect high school teacher.

She was kind, funny and understanding, yet she wouldn't let anyone be treated worse then someone else, and new just how to handle and out-smart the 'I forgot to do my homework' or the 'My dog ate my homework' and the favourite, 'My mum threw my homework in the trash thinking it was rubbish'.

She'd never gotten me in trouble and if she caught me doing something against the rules she'd just tell me how disappointed she was, she didn't do punishment.

Your probably thinking, 'How will telling a teenager your disappointed in them make them stop and think for a second' well you do have a right to think that, but a 'Miss White Disappointment Speech' could leave a pirate feeling shameful and guilty, believe me.

Everyone loved her, for the many reasons above, but also... because she only gave us half the homework we were meant to get, and... She didn't care if you talked quietly during her lectures, which might I add, often left you in tears of laughter.

She's always been one for humour.

But today just wasn't her day, this morning her ex-husband had tried to follow her into school, literally begging for her to take him back.

She hadn't cracked a joke, or out-smarted a single student with her true but clever comments.

We were doing a test at this moment, and right now my mark looked like an E at the highest. I was crap at school, I had bad grades, so bad that my parents had left with my twin sister, Day, and yes your probably thinking, Night! Day! My auntie named us, since my parents wanted to name us Anastasia and Clementine, my ol' auntie Jane came to the rescue.

Anyway, after my family, including my stuck-up snooty twin sister, left me behind and disowned me, I went to live with my ol' auntie Jane, who died a few years after I moved in. I cried non-stop for a month or two, but eventually got over it. Now I live alone with my rich parents sending up money every month or so. They never come to check up on me.

Once my Snooty Slutty sister came to look at my grades, again tramping away when she saw they weren't straight A+'s like hers, but E's and D's.

'And... Stop the test class!' Miss White lay her head in her hands, rubbing her eyes, she looked tired and hurt.

I looked out the window, after signing my name on the sheet of half finished test paper. I saw some kids sitting under an Apple tree, the one that most teenagers like to hang out with their friends at. I didn't have any friends to hang out with so I usually go their because my Auntie Jane use to love apple trees,

She said she loved the pretty white ballerina pink flowers, with petals so perfectly tear-drop shaped, you could imagine an almighty goddess crying them.

With branches strong and steady, where you could sit, relax... And just think, think about everything, let out any emotion without feeling shameful.

'Are you ok Night?'

I looked up and saw a concerned Miss White staring at me, with tired, sore eyes.

'I'm fine Miss White, thanks though' I answered, wondering what could make her think I wasn't.

'Why are you crying then?' I was shocked at her statement, and unconsciously reached for my cheeks, were, just like she said,  hot, salty tears spilt down mindlessly.

'I-I'm fine really, I just got sharp stomach pains' I answered a little to quickly.

Miss White looked at me suspiciously but I new she new that she wouldn't get anything out of me anytime soon.

Sighing Miss White rubbed yet again at her tired eyes. 'Do you need to go home?' 

I nodded, I didn't really feel like school anymore, and anyway, it was going to finish in like 40 minutes to and hour.

'Ok I'll tell  the office'

Miss White shuffled back to her desk and grabbed at the phone, dialling a number. I slowly pushed my chair out and got up, walking out the classroom, shuffling home and falling straight smack bang amidst the soft covers of my soft bouncy comfortable bed.

And soon... I drifted off into a land of dreams and wonder...


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