Wattpad Writer- Mr_Aek

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My first interview is with Mr_Aek author behind the popular Human Xenocide. He has entered into this years Watty Awards. A HUGE thank you to him for being the first person to agree to my probing :D

Please tell me about yourself-

Well I'm 22, graduating from SDSU with a degree in English, I enjoy surfing, writing, reading and drinking with friends. I work as a professional editor and have edited several books, some published, and I've written multiple novels- my most favourite series being the one The Human Xenocide, which is set with 4 books prior and and several after (which have not been written).

What genre do you love to read/write?- 

I write in pretty much any genre except Teen Fiction and Romance, even novels in the same series have different genres (as to not get bored of the same thing). Reading, I enjoy Sci-Fi the most.

What inspires you to write?-

I get inspired mainly by things I see or read - it really depends - some of my stuff is just a challenge to myself to see if I could do it. Examples, Xenocide was heavily influenced by the anime Hellsing, I Survived the Witch by an interactive game, Impossible and How we Met - challenges to see if I could write that kind of story (both spontaneous writing).

If you could sit down and chat with one author in the world who would it be?-

I'd have to say Orson Scott Card - read every book he wrote up to 2005, letting a few build up before I read his newer ones!

What do you look for in a good story?-

Detail, plot, originality, correct grammar. If i see grammar problems or cliche plots I stop reading real fast. I also want something I've never seen before so a fantasy with "Wizards and dragons and elves" is a huge turn off. Invent you're own world!

What are you reading at the moment?-

I've been re-reading David Webers series "Hell's Gate" I also just finished "Hoochie Mama: The Other White Meat" and a book by Delaney.

KFC or Burger King?-

I don't like either, haven't been to either one in at least the past 5-10 years. I go to Jack in the Box often.

Ok so that was just a random question that I like to throw in :) Back to business.

You've entered your book 'The Human Xenocide' into the Watty Awards, could you tell me more about it? -

It's hard to describe the book in a short passage, pretty much it's a novel set around Lilly, who attempts suicide but instead turns herself into a monster - we don't know what she is for a while - but as her powers grow so does her thirst for blood. Soon she's being used as a weapon for various countries that haven't yet recovered from the conspiracy of the third world war. Mass chaos follows, she changes hands like a used car, and begins the Human Xenocide (extermination of the Human Race).

Why do you feel the readers should vote for you and your story?-

Well vote to help keep the story up in the rankings, reading - well it will be something you've never read before. I don't use old mythology like a lot of stories do so everything that's created in this world is new and original. not to mention how twisted the plot it - something small could happened and become a huge role pages later, and the reader wouldn't give it a second thought when coming across it.

If you could give one piece of advise to anyone reading this what would it be? -

Keep writing, even if you know it sucks. You will never improve if you give up. It took me 7 years to get where I am now. When people insult you're writing don't take it to heart, just fix what they said and move on, it's how I became a great writer.

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