
9 0 0

Age: 18

Role of the group: Helps lighten the mood, throws party, arranges meeting

Personality: Sassy, Brave, Chill, a bit perverted, talented, has a bit of a temper, always knows what she wants, everyone's bigger sister, confident, mature, fun and energetic

Dere: Genki

Closet to her: Written star, Golden BlueBerry, Issy sorto, Katy Kat, Moonlight Paint, Paint Brush

Other: PikaChina grew up in town. She is familiar with all the streets, hottest trends, and best clubs. She is a DJ and uses her power to conduct electricity to her advantage. She always throws the biggest and baddest parties ever. That's how she met Golden BlueBerry and the gang. She is "homies" with them and lives in a R.V. by our apartments.

Interesting fact: She uses her power to conduct electricity to defend herself.

She used to be close friends with Vinyl and Neon lights, even having a crush on both of them.

She is a big pokemon fan.

Pikachina is her stage name, She prefers to not say her real name. 

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