Chicken Shit

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I stopped in my tracks. He didn't just offer what I think he did, did he? He did not just offer to take her with us on an undercover mission. He didn't just offer to fly her in the jet.

"It will be fun, I'm sure you're tired of being cooped up in here." My father chuckled. "You did most of the work on this investigation, you might as well come along to help with the rest."

I stormed into the kitchen where they were talking, Gordon was there, sipping a hot drink from a mug, she looked tired. I turned my gaze to my father. I looked him in the eyes. "I disapprove." I got out of clenched teeth. "It's too much of a risk to take her along." Michelle looked at me with worried eyes. Good. She should be worried. My- our father was going insane. Lightning lit up the dark sky outside and thunder rolled before my father spoke.

"Damian, its a party, we're just going to case the place and get a feel on Mr. Diebeaux. You and Alfred will be there with me, we will be surrounded by my friends and colleagues. Michelle will be perfectly safe." He tried assuring me.

I narrowed my eyes. "Who are you and what have you done with my father?" I growled, inching toward him. "Where is the man who thinks of every possible, plausible way something can go wrong? The careful, cautious man who wouldn't let this girl step a foot outside until her mother was found? Where is that man I know huh? Because you are obviously not him." Of course I knew it was really him, I kept a close eye on him; always, and I've noticed him change ever since she arrived.

There was silence in the room, just the rain water against the windows outside to remind us that time hadn't stopped. My sister shifted in her seat. "Hey if it's going to be a problem, I don't have to go-"

She was cut off by the doorbell ringing I turned to get it but I heard Alfred making his way there swiftly. My eyes caught the time on the stove. Eleven P.M. on a Sunday. "Expecting anyone?" I asked the people behind me unenthusiastically.

My father was already up and out of his seat, walking past me. Michelle followed him and I followed her. Gordon sighed, and adjusting her glasses she also stood and followed after us.

"I'm sorry sir but I cannot help you." Alfred spoke, always a polite one. My father went to stand next to him in the door way so the late night visitor was blocked from my vision.

"No listen, I know she's here, I gotta talk to her!" I was surprised when the voice of a boy no older than me spoke.

I heard my sister gasp next to me, so she was surprised too? "Danny...?" I heard her whisper. Did she know him, had this kid hurt her? Gordon pushed the girl behind her, ready to protect.

I shoved Alfred out of the way to look at the boy, we sized each other up quickly. I crossed my arms over my chest. "I advise you leave the premise if you value your freedom, street boy."

He sneered at me. "I don't remember talking to you, rich boy."

"Damian," my father warned, placing a hand on my shoulder halfway restraining me. "I'm sorry we don't know who you're talking about.... Maybe we could deliver a message?"

I rolled my eyes, now he chooses to be cautious.

The boy shook his head. "I know she's in there let me in!" He tried to squeeze past me, I shoved him back, maybe a little too hard. He lost his footing and fell down the three narrow steps leading up to the doorway.

"Danny!" Michelle yelled, she ran past me and out into the rain to the boy.

"Michelle, what are you doing?!" I yelled at her.

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