Chapter 2

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"You have got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed. "But I have to admit, If this was true...It would be awesome."

Ms. Merlin's eyes seemed to twinkle when I said that. "What do you girls say if I could prove my story was true. How about we meet at lunch in the forest behind the school?"

I'm not the only one who found it weird right? I hope not. Anyways, my eyes darted from each of my friends and then to Ms. Merlin. They gave me the look that was the "why not" look. "Oh! The heck with it!"

"Good!" Ms. Merlin sang happily. Man, she seemed like the most wonderful thing happened. Like the new iPhone 5 came out or something. "You are dismissed, and you girls better hurry. You guys might be late for your second class two."

Immediately, we all ran outside and began to run down the halls to our next class.


The time had come. I admit that I was pretty excited. Wouldn't you? C'mon. Where was I? Oh yes, lunch. Anyways, the four of us went outside and finally reached the edge of the forest. "Does it look especially dark in there guys?" Jamie murmered worriedly.

For a few seconds, there was silence except for the slight rustle of leaves coming from the sullen forest. The scary thing was that there seemed to not be any sign of animals activity in there. "Do you think we should still go in?" Paige asked, breaking the silence.

"We can do this, guys!" I insisted taking the hands of Jamie and Drew, and Drew took Paige's hand. "Let's go. Divided we fall, together we rise."

They all started laughing. "Wow Ry! That was really cheesy! No offence." Drew bursted out in a fit of giggles.

I couldn't help but laugh too, but I attempted to hold it in. "Let's just go!"

Hesitatnly, we made our way to the middle of the forest that only seemed to get darker and darker. Eventually, it got so dim, that I could barely see infront of me. "Can you guys see anything?" Jamie questioned, peering into the pitch-black darkness. "Wait, can you guys see what I see? Is that a light up ahead?"

"I-I think you're right, Jay!" I verified.

As quickly and desperately as we could, we ran towards the only light in this entire forest.. We did stumble a few times, over logs and roots. Finally, we were covered in mud and soil, but we made it into the clearing. Ms. Merlin was sitting crossed legged in the middle of no where. "What took so long?" she asked without even opening her eyes. "How come you kids are always late to things?"

"We're sorry." we apologized, not sure what to say.

She gleamed at us and stood up, "Let's begin shall we?"

"Yes!" we said in unison.

"Well, each of you have powers." She began.

"Powers?" we repeated.

She nodded and continued, "Ryan, you have the ability to lift things and stuff. Paige, you can control the earth, Drew, you can control fire. Jamie, you can control water."

"But how are we suppose use our powers if we are in like a jail cell or something?" Drew asked.

"Good question." Ms. Merlin said like any other teacher would. "You can all create your elements. Anyways, who wants to learn how to use their power first?"

All four of our hands shot up into the air, and we let out our most flashing smiles. I think that it is an instinct to smile brightly at the teacher when you want something. "I'm going to pick Ryan first because she is the riencarnation of our head queen."

"Oh! Head queen? Aye?" Drew chuckled as the three of them bowed in "respect"

"Shut up ,Man!" I played gleefully.

"GIRLS!" Ms. Merlin yelled, clapping her hands together. "Please, let's concentrate."

"Sorry." we apologized yet again.

She glared at us, then sighed, "Oh whatever. Ryan, step out please."

Reluctantly, I stepped out and waited for instructions. "What do I do?"

"You see that apple over there?" she asked, gesturing to a nearby tree with a large, red, juicy apple hanging from one of its branches. "I want you to get it down for me."

"Why?" I questioned, preparing to think of a way to acquire the apple.

"Oh something very important. Trust me." she insisted.

Thinking about it, I agreed and began to make my way towards the tree. "Oh Gosh! How am I gonna get that down?"

"And where do you think your going?" Ms. Merlin questioned, tapping her foot against the floor.

I gave her a puzzled look, "Well, I'm getting the apple you wanted."

"Try using your power!" she said, staring at the sparkling apple that seemed to be mocking me.

"How exactly do i do that?" I sighed in frustration.

"Just use your mind!" she said in a soothing voice like she knew everything was going according to plan.

Even though i thought it definetly wouldn't work, I decided to give it a go. Somehow, the apple slowly floated from the branch into my hands. Bursting with pride, I handed the apple over to Ms. Merlin. "So what was so important?"

"I'll show you." she told me. Then, she took a huge bite out of the apple. "My hunger was killing me."

I clenched my fists, but I couldn't really be that mad because I had used POWERS! Oh my gosh that was cool. Nextly, my friends went one by one to test out their new-found powers.

The rest of school was pretty boring, so I'll just skip to after school.

                                                                            ~After School~

Somehow we wandered into an open soccer field. "What should we do?" Paige asked, sitting herself down on the grass.

"Now that we have powers, we should have a secret lair or something cool like that. like the bat cave." I suggested with complete enthusiasm.

"Meh why not." Paige agreed.

"I'm fine with it." Drew nodded.

"Sure." Jamie smiled.

"Where should we..." I was cut of by a rustle in the bushes. I decided to use my powers to wor, so I picked up a boy about our age with blonde hair into the air. "Who the heck are you? Why are you stalking us?!?"

"I-I'm Cody." He stuttered in complete fear.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2012 ⏰

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