When you hug:Mikey

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Your point of view

  You were so so so so ...


Everything around me seemed to be against my happy emotions.
I felt I missed a lot Mikey...

Aww Mikey... His crystal smile, his babish, sweet laughter and those energetic baby blue eyes.

  "Mmm... *sigh* "

I layed on the ceiling feeling terribly and what else... Maybe lonely...

"Oh my sweet buritos... What on the pizza pepperoni name is that? Is this Y/N ? The girl I missed?" He said sarcastically.

  He rolled and gave you a smile. One of his joyfull ones.

  He tickled you chin, as you made an effort to stand up. You did and streched a little. Then, you admired your turtle.

"H~hey fellow..."

Am I serious?

Hey fellow?

He narrowed his eyes , which were sparkling.

" Turflightinii what is wrong with you? "

   I let a wide , akward smile escape from my lips.

" Nothing wrong? Did you come to hang out?"

"Aw... Y/N I came because I wanted to avoid training in a sewerwiththreebozos..."


"I just came to greet yaaa! How are yaa F/N/L (First Name Letter) "

"Whoa... I am cool... I mean everything usual..."  I said rolling my eyes.

  He sat on his knees and started spinning his shell around.


"Yesssss I made it dudete! Victory music please... I am the one..."

"What did you make?" I said impressed by his randomness.

"I made you cheer up... And plus... Cotta goo... My family is going to kick my shell so hard ,if I don't run back home... See ya unicorn hime ✨(means princess in Japaneese)!!"

End of your pov

  Out of the sudden two playfull and caring arms wrapped you and you felt so warmYou two instantly exchanged heartbeats.
He pulled back slowly ,so you could remember this timeBut to be accurate... Your day gained an interest...

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