When he plays with your hair

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Just chillin on the sofa with your mobile/tablet/pc/laptop (whatever you choose).
You were so discracted by your favourite wattpad story that you didn't notice the blue boy behind you.

He sneeked in quietly and definately ninja style.

His green hand hugged your head and he started messing your hair slightly.

Your head moved back. Your eyes were sparkling making fear quotes.

He rolled a pice of your h/c hair and put it between his fingers.

You realised it was just Leo so you giggled a little.

Leo- Did I scare you matmassel?

You smiled.

You- hahhahaha why to mess with my hair?

Leo- Becouse the whole thing on your head is pretty cool...

You- hahahahaha...

He sat next to you and let your hair drop again.

Leo- What are you doing?

You- Reading a super story!

Leo stared at you and performed puppy eyes. You realised he wanted to play with your hair again so you replied at his look.

You- okay... I let you touch my hair...

He smiled and put his hands on your head.  It was something like massage for you. He petted your hair and you enjoyed his company. And behind your back he made a cool braid.


You were tired from school. You fell on your bed and let your face fall on the pillow.

Raph- Y/N?

No answer...

Raph- Y/N?

You heared your window opening.

You mumbled within the pillow- Did you broke into my house?

Raph- Sorry... I saw you ,but not your response.

'got afraid for me?' you thought.

He sat on the bed.

Raph- Will you talk to me?

You- mhmm...

Raph rubbed your back a little and you felt like sleeping.

His sweaty hands touched your h/c hair. He rubbed his fingers within your hair and smiled at you.

You- do ...you ...like... my hair?

Raph- Since when has your latest shower been?

You- Very funny... Your hands are making them dirty...

He smiled

Raph- Just sleep!

He continued playing with your hair until you weren't awake to sense it.


You were doing a project and needed some help.

Who would you call?

Donnie of course!

He was by your side in minutes. He sat next to you.

Donnie- pheww... Chemistry huh?

You nodded.

Donnie - Do what you think is correct and I will show you the right way to solve the excercise then...

You didn't know what to do...
He must had realised that.

His one hand caught the pen and the other a piece of your hair. He rolled your hair between the pen and blushed.

Donnie- Sorry...

You- haha just try to pick one item...

He smiled and touched your hair again.

Donnie blushed. He liked your hair.


You were sitting near your window just to waste your time with something nice...

You felt two carrying hands on your shoulders. You turned around to see Mikey above you.

"Y/N Y/N Y/N I need you to smile dudete!!" Mikey begged you.

You snored a bit.

"Buzzz buzzz!" Mikey mumbled.

He started messing your hair and put on his face some to pretend he has mustache.

You gigled at his funny performace and he tickled your chin. He continued playing with your hair.

"Can I try some hairstyles?" He asked.

You nodded a bit scared of what would happen.

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