Dark Lord

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You floated in darkness for a while. Sometimes you would receive a visit from the man with pitch black hair and eyes to match. He never spoke though. He would stand and look at you, within arms width, but you felt too heavy to move at all. Time seemed endless there, like you could just keep floating and you would never age. Of course, time still went by and affected your physical body, you just couldn't feel it where you were now. It was like a dream. But, like everything, dreams come to an end.

The first thing you noticed when you awakened was the light. It was piercing, sending daggers through your eyelids to attack your brain. Your limbs were still impossibly heavy, and none of your muscles seemed to work. You had to grin and bear it, like so many other things in your life, but in this case you weren't grinning. The light gave you a throbbing headache. You felt as though your skull was splitting, and there was no relief. In fact, the agony worsened until you could feel the intense pain throughout your whole body, running through the injuries you already head. It was excruciating. It certainly didn't help when you heard a door slam open.

"(tY/N)! You're awake!" A certain pink-haired dragon-slayer yelled, rushing into the room. You groaned, the pain in your head worsening by the minute. You managed to peel back your eyelids, to look at your friend. No words would form in your throat, so you silently pleaded that your eyes would communicate your unrelenting agony. But to no avail, Natsu continued blabbering. You didn't register a word he said, the ringing in your ears drowning out all other noise. And soon, your body became tired of the suffering, and you passed out once again.

You woke again, this time without needless pain. The room was pitch black, the curtains drawn back. But you'd had enough of sleeping. Slowly, you pushed the thin covers off of your cold, clammy body, and shakily tiptoed to the door. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened intently, searching for any signs that someone was there. Luckily, no one was, or that's what it seemed like. You carefully opened the door, careful not to move too quickly and worsen your injuries. The guild was eerily quiet, but of course it was. No one was around, and they shouldn't be at this time of night. You wanted to get out and leave as soon as possible. Maybe you'd leave a note, but the people at this guild probably thought you were a freak. They would probably use your powers for some thing or another as well, especially after some of them saw you in a dragon form. You shuddered, blaming it on the chilly night air and thin hospital gown, and crept towards the looming, mahogany doors.
"Hello, Your Majesty."

You spun around, immediately on high alert. However, that movement tore at the gaping wound across the front of your body, shooting bullets of pain through your nerves. You hunched over, vision blurry, trying desperately to see the man who had spoken.
"Ah, I apologise. I startled you." He said calmly. Though his words were apologetic, his tone was not. You grit your teeth, transferring your magic power to your injuries, healing them, though you would definitely have scars. When the pain had subsided, you stood to face the man. He seemed oddly familiar. His dark eyes were cold and empty and his black hair was quite a contrast to his pale skin.
"You seem to recognise me. Good." He whispered, slowly creeping towards you. You didn't move.
"Well, of course I'd recognise some guy who was stalking me through my dreams. How'd you get in here?" You demanded, refusing to look away, even when the man leaned in so that your noses were touching. You didn't flinch when his eyes changed to crimson, ringed with black, after all, you could change your eye colour too. And when his cold, pale hand touched your cheek, you fought the urge to hurt him. Because, in the end, there was something weird about this man, and it was something... dark.

You didn't sleep that night. Instead you sat on the bar and waited for someone to return. Even though you had rushed out of your hospital bed to get out of the guild, to go live on your own as you had for so many years, you had recently been convinced otherwise. Your eyes were blank, glazed over. Though you were a strong person, that man had said some awfully convincing things that made you stay, even if his ulterior motives were something that you still could not work out, no matter how sharp you were. You couldn't read his mind either, and he gave off no discernible aura. He almost seemed... dead. So when a familiar barista unlocked the large, wooden guild doors and stared at you, you merely smiled, returning her gaze of amazement with a completely empty one.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing out of bed? You should still be resti-"
"I'm fine Mira." You drawled, standing up and walking over to her.
"No! You can't be, not even professional hea- whoa!" You cut her off by showing her the dark, dented scar that lay across your stomach.
"No way." She breathed. Still stone-faced, you pushed past Fairy Tail's cover girl.
"I'll be back... in a while." You murmured, leaving Mira-Jane to once again stare after you, wondering what on Earth was going on in your mind. Little did she know that you were really walking towards a dark haired, dark eyed man, with contrasting pale skin. She didn't notice the way that your eyes briefly glowed yellow and purple, one for each colour, and just when she turned away, your hair lengthened to your waist, and colours slowly faded in, creating a shining, rainbow splatter. And not a single soul saw the way the man smiled at you, the way he had smiled at only one other creature.

It was mid-day by the time you had returned. You didn't fully remember where you went to, only snapshots were visible in your mind. You vaguely recalled a deathly cold, blocked out only by the hoodie Elementa had given you. You had had to fix it up with magic, especially after you were stabbed through it twice, and you transformed into a dragon, so now it was a deep, night blue. You hadn't used your magic mask, you were going to show the world who you really were, even though Gray had probably already gossiped to everyone in the guild about how he saw you transform into a dragon. You decided against your usual charismatic, booming entrance, and settled for something much more subtle. Namely, crawling through a window and sidling next to a few of your gaping friends.
"Hey guys." You said coolly, lounging against the wall behind you. The table you had chosen was filled with your brother, Laxus, and his team, Evergreen, Bixslow, and Freed.

As soon as you had finished your short sentence, commotion erupted throughout the entire guild.
"What are you doing!" You heard your brother scream.
"She was literally writhing in her hospital bed yesterday!" Someone else shouted. But you just closed your eyes and relaxed, waiting for it all to die down, which of course it didn't. Not until someone pointed something out that everyone else had overlooked. "What the heck? She looks completely different!" A certain pyromaniac screamed out. The guild went silent. You slowly allowed a smirk to creep up onto your previously blank face. You fluttered open your eyes, revealing the glowing, vibrant orbs that where previously hidden. A collective gasp arose from the entire guild. You leaned froward, resting your chin on your fist, studying each individual person intently. You smiled, presenting your elongated canines. The first reaction was your brother shaking your shoulders, and he didn't look surprised, he just looked pissed.
"What the hell are you doing? You should be resting! You were stabbed twice for God's sake!" He yelled, face distorting in anger.
"Chill bro. I healed that shiz. I'm good, just thought I'd, you know, make sure everyone knew I was alright." You replied, nonchalantly. Laxus clearly didn't believe it though, as he leaned in close, studying your face.
"Why are your eyes so... empty?" He whispered. You gave a slight shake of the head, trying to indicate that nothing was wrong. He didn't buy that either, so he left it there and allowed the rest of the guild to pull you from your seat and deafen you with questions. But no one saw the inconspicuous man with pale skin that stood just outside of the doors. And when the first signs of a snow storm showed up, no one saw how the icy flecks landed in his dark hair. And no one but you saw how he smiled the way he had only smiled at one other creature.

Word count - 1584

I know I said I'd be updating more, but this specific chapter took longer than normal to create. I'm sorry! A few of you were asking for me to post the next chapter, and I had a general idea, but I just couldn't think of anything to write. So now that I've written this, the rest of the story should be coming quicker! Thanks for reading everyone!


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