Grand Magic Games - Day 1

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You woke up in your small hotel room. You'd been forced to share with your brother, you'd wanted to pair with another female instead. But because you're related, and because your grandfather was still angry at you for talking when he was, you'd had no choice. Getting out of bed, you stretched, feeling your spine pop several times, along with one of your shoulders. You collected some clothes to wear for the day and went to take a nice hot shower before your brother hogged it. Laxus was still sleeping, and you'd use the shower time to come up with a plan to awaken him.

10 minutes later, you were dressed, cleansed and ready to prank your brother. You grabbed the small ice tray out of the crappy fridge and filled it with tap water. Looking around to make sure Laxus was still asleep, and no one was peeking through the window, you froze the water with magic, successfully creating half a dozen small ice cubes. Grinning excitedly, you tip-toed over to the sleeping giant, until you were leaning over him in a way that if anybody walked in, it would seem as though you were murdering him. You carefully slipped the ice-cubes from the tray and held them in your hand. Placing the wet and empty tray on the bedside table, you proceeded to put the ice cubes down the back of your brothers shirt. This wasn't enough to wake him though, as you knew that he was quite a heavy sleeper. Instead you leaned down so your mouth was level with his ear.
"GET UP LAXUS!" You yelled, though you used magic so no one else could hear it. Laxus jolted up, immediately feeling the half-melted ice-cubes down the back of his shirt and glaring at your grinning form kneeling beside his bed. He said nothing, just proceeded to walk into the bathroom to shower.

Time Skip

You'd rushed Laxus out of the hotel, and to the meeting place that the second Fairy Tail team had been instructed to go to. He'd barely made it before the games started. Now, you were sat in the area designated for Fairy Tail in the GMG stadium. You watched nervously on the large floating lacrima stationed right above the arena. The screens flicked between teams. Some teams had lost the map fragments they had received at the start of them games. Suddenly, a deafening cheer came from the audience. Tearing your eyes from the monitor, you watched as the first team entered the stadium. Amongst the five mages, you noticed two familiar men. Those were the two dragon-slayers from yesterday. You thought, as the announcer, a strange pumpkin man, announced the guild they were from.
"1st place, Sabertooth!" He yelled, gaining another roar from the crowd.
"They must be fan favourites." You muttered. Bisca - who had participated while the stronger members were on Tenroe Island - shuffled over to you.
"Yeah. They're a new guild. They participated last year and won." She informed, immediately moving back to her husband Alzack and her daughter Asuka.

"2nd place, Fairy Tail team B!" Called the announcer. You snapped out of your daze. You'd been pondering about those twin dragon-slayers. You were thinking about where you'd seen them, and if you should introduce yourself. You definitely didn't think they were attractive, especially not the quiet black-haired man. That would be absurd. Anyway, you gazed down into the arena, smiling knowingly at the second Fairy Tail team. Laxus was looking around at the crowd, and when he spotted you he winked. Wendy looked at you in confusion.
"You knew there was a second team?" She asked, noticing your widening grin. You nodded.

Finally, the eight team arrived from the preliminary challenge, and luckily it was Fairy Tail Team A. All of the guild yelled and cheered, creating a massive scene. You saw the Sabertooth guild directly across from you, glare in your direction. You laughed an whispered to Evergreen - who had decided to sit next to you.
"Sabertooth looked pissed."
Evergreen laughed. "Of course. We're gonna whoop their asses!"
The two of you broke down into giggling fits, receiving looks of disgust from the audience surrounding you.
"Alright! 8 teams have made it passed the preliminaries, so all the other guilds are out!" The strange pumpkin man announced. You watched as several people sulked, some even leaving the arena. Their team obviously hadn't made it.
"Alright! Let's go through this again! In 1st place, we have Sabertooth!" The crowd erupted into cheers, exactly like the last time.
"In 2nd place, Fairy Tail Team B!" Everyone except your guild was silent, but you all made up for that with your over-enthusiastic cheering.
"3rd place, is Raventail!" You scowled at this name, knowing full well that Raventail was previously a dark guild.
"4th place is help by Lamia Scale! In 5th place is Blue Pegasus. Mermaid Heel is in 6th. Quatro Cerberus holds 7th place, and last but not least, Fairy Tail Team A in 8th place!" Once again, the Fairy Tail guild erupted into cheers, openly excited about both teams passing the preliminaries.

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