Chapter 25

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Bonnie up top because why not!

Bonnie's P.O.V

"What are you doing here Ace? She cheated on you," Elizabeth points out with a small smirk in my direction.

"She didn't cheat on me, and I could ask you the same question. What are you doing here?" he says, clenching his hands into fists.

"I heard that you were visiting someone in the hospital and I came to see who it was, though now that I have, I'm not sure I want to put my eyes through the torture," she says, looking down at me.

Ace makes to move towards her, but I latch onto his arm, sliding my hand into his and lacing our fingers together. He squeezes my hand, while not taking his eyes off his mother.

"Get out," he growls, barely containing his anger.

"But you're my son, aren't I allowed to see you," she responds coolly, taking a step closer.

"You are, but not in here. I don't want you anywhere near Bonnie," he says, shifting so that he's standing more in front of me.

"She is your girlfriend," she spits. "But you are my son and I think I have a right to spend time with your girlfriend and make sure she's good enough for you, though I know she isn't. She's a stripper, Ace! A stripper! Is that who you want to be with?" she exclaims.

"Her job has no influence on the type of person she is and yes, I do want to be with Bonnie. I love her, so stop trying to ruin things between us, you already tried once," He fires back, squeezing my hand once more.

"How do you know she isn't a hooker either, huh? She could just be lying to you. Or she could just be with you for your money, ever thought of that, Ace?"

"I'm not with your son for money," I snarl, pulling Ace back to my side so that I can glare at Elizabeth. "I would never do that to him, to anyone. I'm with ace because I love him and that's it," I growl, causing her to scoff.

"Elizabeth, get out of here!" Marcus orders, coming into the hospital room.

"You can't just order me around like a dog!"

"Yes I can, because last time I checked you need me for your money so you listen to me and there won't be a problem," he glares hard at her, causing her to cross her arms and walk off.

Ace lets out a sigh of relief and sits back down on the hospital bed beside me. He gently wrap an arm around me and pulls me into his side, tucking me under his chin. His hands skim up and down my sides, careful of the bandages.

"I'm sorry about her. Just to let you know, our marriage was totally for money and power, just like Kayden's, I hate that bitch that I have to call my wife," he grumbles, causing a smile to spread across my face.

I had suspected that, but didn't want to bring it up. How could someone as nice as Marcus end up with someone like Elizabeth.

"Thanks again dad, I can't stand her any longer. She nearly cost me my girl," he mumbles, placing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Yes, well, I'm working on keeping her away, but there's only so much I can do to keep that thing under control," he says with a small chuckle, watching Ace and I with an affectionate smile as he pulls out his phone from his back pocket. "Bonnie, take care of Ace, and Ace take care of your girl, I'll see the both of you later. I have a few calls to make," he says, walking out of the room.

As soon as the door shuts though, shouting is heard. Ace sighs, and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses the top of my head, distracting me from his parents' argument outside.

"You should get some rest," he murmurs, rubbing my back.

I nod my head and snuggle into his side as he leans us back on the bed. His arms go around me, mindful of my wound, encasing me in warmth. I smile to myself and place a kiss on his chest before falling asleep.

Ace's P.O.V

Bonnie quickly falls asleep with a soft smile on my face, Causing my stomach to do somersaults just looking at her. she's so beautiful even after a near death experience, surgery, and an encounter with my mother.

My mother is wrong about Bonnie. I know Bonnie isn't with me for money, and I know—now—that she isn't cheating on me. She's all mine.

I quickly fall asleep with Bonnie in my arms and a smile on my face, knowing that I'm this close to my girl and am never going to let her get away from me again.


"Mr. King," a quiet voice asks form beside me, causing me to open my eyes.

I look up and find one of the doctors standing beside the hospital bed with his clipboard in hand. I wipe my eyes, careful not to wake a sleeping Bonnie beside me and give the doctor my full attention.

"I just wanted to let you know that you can take you girlfriend home after we do one more checkup. We can do the checkup now, and you two can be on your way, just be careful, it will take a while to fully heal," he tells me.

"Yeah, sure. Do you want me to wake her up?"

"If you would. I'll be right back," the doctor nods before moving out of the room.

I roll over and take in Bonnie's sleeping face again, making me break out into a smile. I fumble for my phone in my pocket and take a few pictures of Bonnie sleeping, before safely tucking it back into my pocket.

"Hey, Princess, I need you to wake up for me," I say gently, brushing the side of her face.

She murmurs something and swats my hand away, making my smile grow.

"Come on baby, you have to get up so that we can go home soon," I try again.

She doesn't respond.

I smirk to myself before moving so that I'm on top of her, without touching her bullet wound. I place my lips on hers, tracing my tongue along he lips, while skimming the side of her body with my right hands, causing her to wake up. She tries to deepen the kiss, but I jump off, shaking my head and clicking my tongue.

"Later, the doctor needs to give you a checkup," I smirk, before ducking out of the room just as three doctors go in.

I wait outside for a good hour, before the doctors come back out, informing me that everything was okay and that I can check her out of the hospital.

I walk back into the room, finding her attempting to dress herself in a pair of jeans a baggy sweatshirt. I smile as she struggles to pull the jeans up, coming behind her and kissing the back of her neck.

She lets out a small squeal of surprise and nearly topples forward, but I catch her and pull her so that she's standing upright. She gives me a breathy smile before managing to pull her jeans up all the way.

"This is strange, normally I would be helping you out of your clothes, not into them" I smirk, causing her to smack my chest with a stern, but amused, glare.

"Let's just get out of here, mister," she mock scowls, pointing a finger at me.

"Where to, milady?" I ask with a bow, causing her to chuckle.


Home. I smile to myself, knowing that she's talking about my house, well, our house. I'm glad she can call it her home. As long as she's with me, though, I am home. I internally groan knowing how cliché that sounds, but what the hell, it's the truth.

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