✈ Preface

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So, this is my first short story

The idea just randomly popped into my brain when I was reveling in a bowl of ramen noodles and a lively episode of Teen Wolf.

Due to my unhealthy obsession of Dylan O'Brien at the moment, I have decided that he will play Preston. Sue me. 

If I can miraculously stretch the plot enough, this short story will be maybe nine to ten parts long. 

Always appreciate votes & your lovely thoughts


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Preston Declan, when solidly on ground, is witty and undeniably charming. But the moment he boards any airplane, his bone-threading phobia of flying seeps in, forcing him to succumb to his inner fears. 

Jupiter Hale is neutral about planes - doesn't love them nor dislikes them. She's been on one enough times to call the airline her second home considering that she's tossed between her parents every other month. 

Besides being placed as plane partners, Preston can't deny Jupiter the fact that she calms his plane anxiety. Just her touch makes him feel fuzzy, and frankly, he unearths emotions alien to Jupiter. 

Turns out Preston is going to need all the tranquility he can muster the moment their airplane is caught in severe storm, resulting in much delay. 

Romance doesn't come without a bit of Turbulence

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