Shock Of Experience

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The hallucinations had gotten considerably worse ever since that dream I had about dissecting my father. They happened on a nightly basis and most of the time, more then once. The visions would always be of a faceless figure, who be strangling or dissecting me and both were equally disturbing. It goes without saying that this greatly effected the way I slept and  it also had it's repercussions on my studies as well. Fortunately, I hadn't hallucinated in class for everyone see, for that would be horrible. Because I had no doubts in my mind that they would put me into an asylum. Sometimes the visions were quiet but most times they left me screaming in agony while begging for mercy. They had become so intense that a lot of the time I had to physically hurt myself for them to stop, which was now occurring quite frequently. This had of course, made me fall behind in my classes due to lack of sleep, but I was able to stay afloat through after school tutoring. These visions have really worried me, mainly because I've never experienced something like this before. How they would come while I was laying bed, how the walls would start bleeding and my vision filled with death. My ears would be drowned in screaming, wither it was mine or someone else's was still yet to be determined. The smell they brought was both putrid and pleasant at the same time, for blood had that effect on the air.


I whipped around having been interrupted in my thoughts, looking for the voice that had spoken my name. My search proved fruitless and I decided to chalk it up to my paranoia, I had the Headmaster to thank for that. I cursed realizing that I had lost my train of thought, I sighed. What was happening to me? I was always a little messed up and yeah I would see and hear things sometimes but nothing on this level. Checking the time and seeing that it was seven-thirty in the morning which meant that  class would start soon. I set off to tackle the day and steadied myself for whatever came my way, only hoping that the night that followed wouldn't be filled with terror and screams.

Getting up I quickly got dressed and headed for first period, exams were today and I had stayed up all night studying despite the tormenting visions that currently plagued me. So I was ready for this horrific subject, or at least I hoped I was. Walking into the classroom and taking a seat, I looked up at the board seeing that we did indeed have a test today. Why? I hated math with a passion, for I didn't even need it yet I was forced to sit through and learn it. The teacher walked up to the front of the classroom and spoke.

"Alright class as you know exams are today and I expect everyone to try their hardest. Because if you fail even one exam today then you will not get to graduate and you'll have to be digging graves for the rest of your life. Which I'm pretty that no one in here wants that. Am I wrong?

The whole class responded with a terrified "No" as the prospect of being poor and having to be one of those creeps who digs for the dead did not appeal to them.

"That's what I thought. Now the rules are simple, no cheating and no leaving the class during the exam. Doing either of these things will result in an automatic F and yes, this goes for all class exams. Oh and remember the dance is tonight so make sure to be there as it's required." He said

What?! A dance?! And one that's mandatory?! WHAT THE F-

"Anyway, once I pass out the tests you may began. Good luck, you going to need it." He had leaned in as he said the last part and I was now throughly freaked out, how hard was this test going to be?

The test was set in front of me and I looked it over, trying to size it up. Quickly flipping through the stapled pages there was a total of seventy questions......WOW. This was a daunting task indeed and it intimated me in all honesty. No turning back now I suppose, I wanted this and I was going to see it through to the end. With that I looked down at my test, cracked my knuckles and got started.

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