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Percy woke up to his mom shaking him awake. He tried to rub the tiredness out of his eyes.
"Come on Percy. It's time to get up. And clean this room up, it's a mess."
Percy groaned and rolled over in bed after his mom left the room.

After a few minutes he decided to actually start his day. He looked around his room and realized that it really was a mess. There were band shirts and jeans strewn across the floor and multiple pairs of headphones littered his desk, along with various CDs and vinyls.

He was definitely not looking forward to going back to school. He started his senior year today
Saying Percy didn't like school was an understatement. He was ADHD and dyslexic, so school was really hard for him.
To make it worse, all his teachers pegged him as a "slacker" because of the terrible grades he would get, and his whole I don't care demeanor.

Now everyone else would be applying to colleges, but Percy had no idea what he wanted to do with his life.
He liked the ocean so he considered marine biology, but that required way too much math and science.

He really enjoyed listening to music, so being in a serious band would probably be his dream job, but that's a very risky career.
And he knew he was going to have to explain this to his teachers about a hundred times this year when they asked him why he wasn't trying.

Percy frowned at the situation and pulled on a FOB shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans.
He brushed his messy black hair and put in his stud earrings.
Then slipped on a pair of vans and grabbed his backpack and skateboard.

His mom kissed his cheek goodbye and he rushed out the door.

He put in his headphones and put on some music, not really caring what it was as long as it was a rock band.
He took off down the sidewalk towards his school, which was luckily only a block away.

Outside the school, Percy saw his best friends Thalia and Nico sitting down, sharing a pair of headphones. They both shared his love of reading class bands and black clothes.

They had formed a band for fun a few years ago and would sometimes get together and practice.
Percy played the electric guitar. Nico played Drums. Thalia played the bass.  They all did vocals.
They were actually pretty good, but didn't know how to get the attention of a record label, so their band stayed as a hobby.
Percy sat down across from them and Thalia paused the music.
"Hey Perce." She said. Nico gave a small nod of recognition.
"Hi guys." He replied.

Thalia was donning a black outfit and some fairly heavy eyeliner. Nico looked the same with a skull shirt and his black hair falling into his eyes.

They all looked really alike, except for their eyes. Percy's eyes were sea green, while Thalia's were bight blue and Nico's were almost black.

They were called "goth" and "emo" on a daily basis, but Percy didn't care.
Thalia however had a quick temper and usually flipped those people off.

The bell rang, jolting Percy from his thoughts, so they walked inside.

Percy walked over to his locker and placed some books he wouldn't need in, since it was the first day.
Then someone else walked over and he silently cursed his horrid luck.

A girl with curly blonde hair piled atleast five books into her locker, and they didn't even look like they were for school.
Well of course they weren't.
This was Annabeth Chase, the President of the national honor society and about every other club the school offered. The would be Valedictorian when they graduated and had more college scholarship offers than Percy could count.

In other words, She was everything Percy wasn't.
He started to walk away when he heard his name being called.
He turned around to face Annabeth.
"Hi. I've had a locker next to you for three years now, and still don't know you. And I know everyone."
"Well you know my name."
"Because I saw it on your book."
Percy just shrugged.
Annabeth head out her hand.
"I'm Annabeth Chase."
Percy didn't shake it. "I know."
Annabeth put her hand down as if she had never extended it in the first place and continued.
"And you are?"
"Percy Jackson."
"Nice name."
Percy just nodded, unaware of why Annabeth was still talking to him. They were polar opposites and if she wanted to get to know him so badly, why'd she wait till senior year to do so.
At that moment the bell signaling that you had a minute to get to class sounded and Annabeth jumped a little bit.
"Oh I have to get to class. See you around." She said and walked away.

Percy just shook his head and made his way to his first class.

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