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Sakura's pov

It's been about a year since I left konoha. They send out anbu to try and capture me but it's useless and that retarded slug queen needs to learn that. But anyway I have a pretty big reputation now I have already surpassed some of the akatsuki in the bingo book!

Right now I was just walking through the forest I just got out a tiny little village cause I needed food and other stuff but anyways, I was just walking through the forest with a lollipop in my mouth when all of a sudden it's not there anymore

"Ok teme give me back my damn lollipop or your neck is going to have a friendly greeting by my katana!!!!!" I was extremely pissed off here someone just took my sucker from my f***ing mouth!!! Not to mention that it's watermelon my favorite flavor! But back to what's at hand here,

I was suddenly pressed up against a tree by none other than my favorite ravenette! Can you guess who it was?................................if you guessed sasuke then you be dumb! It was Itachi!!!!

" oh hey uchiha how's it hangin?" I asked him trying to be nice but I noticed the teme was eating my sucker!!! Who the f*** does this ass think he is!?

" ok teme I'm going to give you to the count of three to give me back my sucker or your face is going to meet my fist!! 1.........2......-"all of a sudden I feel a sharp pain in my mouth and I notice the sucker isn't in his mouth anymore but the damn teme shoved the f***ing thing in my damn mouth and holy hell it hurt!!!

" you ass you didn't need to be so f***ing rough!!! You could have just given it to me!!" I was getting extremely pissed off and the calm look on his face wasn't helping it!

" your coming with us sakura haruno. our leader would like to meet you" was the last thing I heard before the ass knocked me out

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Le Time Skip!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5 hours later

Sakura's pov

I woke up on a bed but I could strangely remember being nocked out by the ass. But anyway the room was actually really nice three of the walls were painted red and the main wall was black but had a gorgeous cherry blossom mural on it. The floor was covered in black carpet and in the corner was a closet, I got up and looked at the bed it was queen sized and had a four post frame with net that hung around it the sheets were black and pink with flowing cherry blossoms, there was also a huge tv on the wall and a desk next to the bed. I walked over to what I think was the bathroom and I was right It was the bathroom it was really big there was a bathtub and a shower the sink took up most the middle of the wall with a really big mirror above it!

After I was done checking out the room I left in search of the others. I quickly found the kitchen/ living room both were huge might I say! I swear these guys are just rolling in money! But again anyways all the akatsuki was there and when I walked in it got rather quiet I'm sure I stood there dumb found until I think his name was pein started talking

" hello sakura I've been meaning to talk you about joining the akatsuki I would let you choose to either stay or go but you don't really have a choice here" he told me smirking down at me

" I don't care I have been trying to catch your guy's attention for the last year, but you just haven't seemed to be interested until now. Why?" I asked genuinely curious

" well just like you said we haven't been paying very much attention un" said the blonde who I remember is named deidara I just ignored him and said

" you know, you don't understand that I couldn't really care. But I would love to join your little organization" I said smiling sweetly at them I slowly made my way to sasori and jumped on him then kissed all over his face

" BIG BROTHER IVE MISSED YOU TERRIBLY!!! IM SO SORRY THAT I HURT YOU IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!!" I was now holding onto him for dear life crying all over him. I'm pretty sure the rest of the members had shocked looks on there faces. But i forgot all about the when I felt a hand gently caressing my head and lifting my face up. All of a sudden there was tingly feeling in my forehead I knew that it was sasori

" sakura-chan you didn't nothing wrong, all you did was fallow the orders I gave you all those years ago, so there is nothing to forgive my darling little sister" he told me ever so sweetly. He gently brought my in for a hug, so gentle that you could tell he was scared to hug me any tighter. But me on the other hand was clinging to him frightened to let go

" I love you nii-San" I said only so he could hear

" I love you too saku-chan" he told me back

" w-w-wait your siblings!!!!!!!" All the members yelled well except for pein, tobi, Itachi, and kakazu. We turned to all of them and said at the same time

" yes, do you have a problem with it?" They all shook their heads and deidara said

" it's completely fine. Just shocking is all un!" Really fast. Me and sasori got up

" well that good" I said smiling sweetly at deidara. Man I've only just met them and I'm already opening up to them. All of a sudden I felt my head in someone's chest

" tobi think saku-chan is very cute and pretty!!!!!!!!!!" Tobi yelled extremely loud

" why thank you tobi! That very sweet of you to say!" I told him hugging him

Madara's pov

I got the weirdest feeling in my chest when she hugged me. I couldn't help but feel happy that I was wearing a mask because I was as red as a tomato right now.

She was just so gorgeous with her knee length pink and red hair and bright neon green eyes. Not to mention but she has a hot body!

Never in all my life have I felt this way towards anyone I was always so busy planning wars or other non important things that don't matter anymore

Maybe me and sakura could repopulate my clan ;)

That sasuke kid don't know what he passed up. And he's never going to get a second chance cause I will make her mine!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2014 ⏰

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