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Ok there is cussing In this chapter so if you don't want to read this chapter sorry!!!

Sakura's pov

I awoke to a black room and and me tied to a chair. There was a squeak signaling that somebody has came into the room. They took a seat in front of me

" who is this relative of yours in the akatsuki!" They yelled

" that is non of your business" I said to them

" well as long as you are in the leaf it is my business!!" They yelled again

" well only four people actually care about me well two now cause I thought you cared about me as well tsunade!!!" It's true I did think tsunade cared for me I was her student and I was stronger than her in medical ninjutsu she had taught me everything she knew in the medical field I surpassed the great 5th hokage! But she traded me in for ino and Karin but no matter how hard they tried they would never catch up to my skill!

" I did Sakura! Until naruto told me he saw you beating up my other students!!! I thought you were better than that!!" She yelled at me again but I didn't even know what she was talking about I had never laid a hand on ino or Karin! Karin had been trouble ever since she got here with sasuke. She had stole all my friends from me well sai hated her but not as much as hinata hated her she had caught Karin making out with naruto and it pissed her off she no longer likes naruto no matter how hard he tries to apologize she always slams a door in his face! But anyways back to the main point!!


I had become so mad I had lost control over the jutsu the hid my true looks and I guess there was more people in the room than I thought there was cause there was a loud gasp.

they saw my face my gorgeous silky pink hair and dazzling emerald eyes I was actually really gorgeous I had covered up my true looks with a jutsu ever since the sand had made me move to the leaf I put a Jutsu on my self to hide my looks I made my self look average to them but when I got home my parents and me would get to see my true self!

"What! Are my true looks to shocking to guys!!" I yelled at them


"No, I just didn't want you to see how beautiful and powerful I truly am." I said

ok I know I am cocky but hey wouldn't you if the looks you were so proud of were finally shone to the people who thought you were ugly , weak, and useless, saw that you were probably the most gorgeous and powerful girl in this stupid village!

"Well Sakura maybe if you would have shown me how you truly looked in the academy I maybe would have given you a chance with me" said sasuke with that stupid smirk of his, but he just had to go and piss me off!

In a matter of seconds after he said that I had him pinned to the wall

" listen here you pathetic excuse of an uchiha those 'feelings' I had for you were fake I thought if I acted the same way as the other girls I would fit in! But every day I got out of school I would train my ass off just to prove to myself that I was better than you the pitiful baby uchiha!" I yelled at him he was starring at me with that sharigan of his well he isn't the only one with it I flashed it back at him only mine was stronger cause I copied it from itachi 3 years ago

"HOW THE HELL DO YOU HAVE THAT!!!!" sasuke yelled enraged

" well your not the only with a kekia genkia in the room dumbass!' I said

I turned around to walk out the door when every one gasped again!

" ok what the fuck!! Did you guys just fucking practice gasping or is it just me!!" I yelled but like always I'm ignored

" why do you have the sharigan" said kakashi

" I see you dumbasses don't know shit about the haruno clan we do have more than just one kekia genkia, but it is really pathetic that the great leaf village doesn't know anything about my clan we were know to have the most amazing kekia genkia" I said unimpressed that they didn't know anything about my kekia genkia

" what do you mean the haruno's kekia genkia?" Kakashi asked again

" well I originally came from the sand village and that is were the legacy of my clan is so ask your allies about it but I have thing to do and and by the way I don't need this piece of garbage on my head anymore" I said throwing the slashed konaha headband on the floor an stomping on it and walking out the door. Not looking back once as I said

" I feel sorry for your village.... It started out as an amazing village with 5 great leaders not including Tsunade, but now it's a really shitty village that you can never trust. Oh and the 5th great leader to me was madara uchiha" I said coldly to them then transported to the middle of the forest near the leaf

That started my journey to find the akasuki hideout but I had to build a rep first!

OMFG!!! I'm am like so so so so so so so sorry for not updating in like forever!!!! I've just been so busy with summer school and all kinds of other things! But I promise I will definitely be updating more cause I can now do summer school online!! And I will be keeping this promise!!

Love you all my ninjas!

~yuuki vanity!<3

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