Chapter 1~

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[Y/N] P.O.V~

"WOW!!" You exclaimed. You heard the taxi driver say something before he drove off but you didn't quite catch what he said, pretty sure it is nothing important.
You walked up the wooden stairs to your new apartment where you are going to be staying, hopefully until you finish high school.
You walk inside and smell a thick smoke of dust coming from the floors and tables, it makes you wonder how long no one has lived here for.
You drop down the box you were holding and walk outside to where you had stacked the other boxes on the ground. You looked for the box with the label 'bedroom' on it. You looked around and decided it must have have been under the other boxes, so you took the box with the label 'kitchen' on it in permanent marker instead. You plunked it down in the kitchen and walked outside to pick up the remaining boxes and put them in the appropriate places around the apartment.

Tiny Time Skip :3~

The new room felt weird with all your old furniture in a new space as you walked around and cleaned the room to rid it of dust and mold. It now smelt like cleaning products, the smell which you hated the most. (If you like the smells of cleaning products, I am sorry.)
You still hadn't found the box with 'bedroom' marked on it so you just told yourself that you left it in the taxi and you would ring the company up later. You knew something wasn't right.
You had already unpacked all of my boxes when you heard a knock on the door. You looked through the peephole to see a young girl who looked like she was a foreigner like you. She had shoulder-length fair hair, different shades of browns and blues coloured eyes, she was wearing denim knee-length shorts and a black lace singlet with a black t-shirt underneath. She was about my age and she was carrying a cardboard box. You opened the door with the chain unattached. The girl stood there, making you look up as you am quite short (sorry again if you are tall) only to see her bright and cheery smile brighten up your face, making you smile back. She held out the cardboard box that had the word 'bedroom' marked on it.
You took it gratefully.
"Arigato gozaimasu!! I have been looking everywhere for it!" You said bowing deeply.
"No need to thank me, I just saw a young boy take the box from a pile on this front yard so I followed him and when he saw me, he dropped the box and ran off not saying a word. I picked up the box and hurried straight back here, to find the cardboard boxes moved. I knocked on all the apartments, until I found you. Oh by the way my name is Chloe (first name) Tachibana (surname)." she said with an Australian accent.
"I am [F/N] [L/N], nice to meet you."
"Well I should get going now, I am glad I found the owner, mata ne!"
"Oh, wait a second!!" You yelled as she turned around abruptly.
She turned back around and waited to listen intently.
"I am starting my first year of high school next week and I only just arrived here in Tokyo today and I was wondering if you could show me the way to to Sakura High on the day the new year starts?"
"I am starting high school next week and I am also going to Sakura High so we could walk together there. Give me your number and we can organise where we should meet on our way to school."
"Ok, that's a great idea, Coco-chi!"
"Coco-chi?" she asked confused.
"Yeah!! That's what I will call you from now on!!"
"Yeah, yeah call me whatever you want, [Y/N]-chan...."
You both shared your numbers and as soon as Coco-chi leaved you started to text each other...

MAJOR Time Skip (3 days later)~

[Y/N] P.O.V~

You had finally settled things down in my apartment so you decided to take a long, relaxing bath in your new bathroom, which is now sparkly clean. It was about 9 pm now and when you were just about to get a towel, pyjamas and other things you needed for a bath, you jumped at the sound of a loud knock on the door.
You slowly made my way to the door, opened it with the chain locked and looked through the crack of the door.
There was an old lady, probably in her early 70's, dressed in a light purple night gown, with white stripes going down the gown. She had grey hair and had unnatural dark eyebrows, she had odd yellow eyes, which made her look like a wise owl that you see in fairytales, her skin was pale and her skin was like prunes. I shut the door and unlocked the chain, I then opened the door fully.
"Sorry to interrupt but I would like to welcome you to my apartment block, I am the landlady here and I will come around each week or month, depends on my schedule to collect your payment for the rent. My name is Haruhi (first name) Sousuke (last name), you can call me Haruhi. I will tell you who your neighbours are on your level or the whole 3 floors or you can find out for yourself."
Before I had time to speak she answered for you.
"I am sure you would just like to know who is on your level right now. As I am sure you are aware of this but I am going to tell you anyway, there are 4 apartments on each floor and you are the the one in the 2nd to the left on the 2nd floor facing from the street. On the very left is a 20 year old woman who studies at university, her name is Sakura Haruno, I will not go into too much detail about each person. 2nd from the right is Mitchel Hisakawa, he goes to your school and is in 2nd year of high school there. On the right there is Hugh Kiragaya. He is in his early 40's and works at your school as a homeroom, science and maths teacher. If you wish to know your other neighbours on other levels, you can go and knock on their doors. Well goodnight for now Ms [L/N]."
She closed the door and walked away without letting you finish. 'Well that was one weird landlady, but I'm sure she is quite trustworthy.' you thought.
You went back to doing what you were doing and realised it was only 10 past 9 so you decided to continue to get ready for a bath.
You filled the bath up and put some bubble bath in the running water. You quickly got undressed and put your [H/C] in a messy bun (if your hair is short, just keep it like normal). You turned off the cold metal taps and slid into the overfilled bath with cloud like bubbles. It felt like heaven, the hot water ran over your skin and eventually settled making you feel like you weighed nothing at all...

Another Massive Time Skip (night before school starts)~

[Y/N] P.O.V~

You texted Coco-chi, hoping for her to respond.

You: Hello? Coco-chi? Where are we going to meet tomorrow morning?

Chloe: Huh? Oh yeah about that I can come and
wait at your place at 7:35 am because
your apartment is on the way to school
from my house.

You: Ok, that sounds good!!!! I will meet you out the frontront of my apartment, see you tomorrow!!! ^.^

Chloe: Ok, goodnight!

You soon fell asleep after having a bath and getting ready for bed, you couldn't wait for tomorrow!

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