chapter 4

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Hey I'm sorry for not uploading we just started Terra-nova and i have to study for school and tests enough of my chatting here's an upload for all of y'all please VOTE. ******MEANS SHE IS TALKING TO HER WOLF.


(Alexis POV)

The golden wolf kept walking until we reached a small clearing. I looked around at the beautiful scenery. I looked at the beautiful waterfall, lake, and all of the different flowers. We stopped, and for a second I'm wondering what does she want from me? Then she starts speaking, “I’m assuming you got the dream message, and you are seeing the similarities between your friends those wolves and your dream, am I right?”

I just stare at her in bewilderment.

She starts speaking again by saying, “You are also probably wondering what I am here for and who I am, am I right?” I continue to stare at her. I’m about to start asking questions when she again stops me by saying, “You are destined for great things Alexis, never forget that.

“Now listen and let me tell you your destiny. Sixteen years ago you and your three friends were born exactly at midnight. You were born of fire in a volcano, Cassie was born of air in a tornado, Daniel was born of water in a tsunami, and Brendon was born of Earth in an Earthquake. You were all adopted by the people you call parents you are all descendants of one of the four royals of the Elemental kingdoms. All of you must learn to control your gifts and powers before you turn sixteen in two weeks or a great evil will rise again and destroy everything you hold dear to you.”

“Also on your sixteenth birthday gather your friends, go into the woods and wait for midnight. At midnight I will come and try to answer your questions with a gift from the great white wolf. Now I must be going.” with those last words I watched her disappears into the mist of the waterfall. I just sit there awhile processing what she told me. I guess my whole life has been a lie. The a thought hit me ! We have powers we got to start mastering them! uh oh.


I need 10 more votes to update and if you didn't read the top go back and read it its important. VOTE and COMMENT tell me what y'all think of the story so far


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