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.: Speak Easy :.

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18 | Speak Easy

Darkness descended.

The horses were fed and watered, all goods accounted for.

They didn't need rest, it wasn't a hard ride, but come the sounding of the tournament horn none of them would be getting much sleep after.

Good spirit infected the camp. The caravan circled around the campfire, irrespective of rank or title. Eager eyed pages soaked in the knights' outlandish tales of beasts slayed and territory conquered in the name of the Good King.

The bearded Prince mostly went ignored, save for those who respectfully bowed out of habit, and that was fine with him. It made it that much easier for him to sidle up next to Blue and hand her a slice of dried plantain for a late snack. He hadn't seen her eat all day, and she needed her strength.

The squire chewed and thanked him, so caught up in Anais' fantastic tales she didn't even realize who she was talking to.

Bo, sitting as close as he allowed, offered her the open pouch and Blue happily accepted.

"And there I stood without a friend in sight! Dread Pirate Feun Ma had his cutlass at my throat, demanding to know where I hid the gold! 'Spill where you buried the chest and you'll walk off this ship alive!' He bellowed in my face. But did I waver, did I reveal my secrets, did I betray my code of honor?"

"No!" The pages cheered in unison.

"That's right!" Sir Anais jumped to her feet, pointing a finger to the heavens. "Because a knight never caves in the face of adversity! Even under threat of death!"

The tall woman recounted how she brutally disarmed Dread Pirate Feun Ma and his lackeys with one arm tied behind her back, recovering the priceless jewels on the beach and sailing home to Anachakar on the captured ship.

Blue knew it was all pomp and inflation, but not even she couldn't resist the lure of a good story. During her prime thieving years Blue would swagger into a random tavern, order a pint on ill gotten coin, and listen to the old men reminisce on loves lost and foes vanquished.

She would've been an avid reader growing up if anyone bothered to teach her. Or rather, if anyone in the village could actually read.

Thankfully Violet was spared the frustration of never experiencing a world outside the realm of imagination.

Maybe, if Blue was lucky, she too could lose herself between storybook covers.

Once Sir Beastie's story-well ran dry, Page Sikha doused the campfire to not attract any passersby and Team Anachakar settled down for the night.

Accustomed to sleeping in discomfort, Blue readily buckled into her light summer sleeping bag a few meters away from the main camp.

Temperate weather eased her into restfulness, and soon she was asleep.

But the cool breeze during the day deepened into a bone deep chill in the forest, and Blue woke up from her light sleep shivering.

What the hell?

Blue sat up, frigid, and only then did she notice everyone else back at camp came prepared with cold weather gear to get them through the night.

During their fighting tours Blue and Red almost always slept in an inn, and even the shabbiest village tavern was safe from the harsh elements.

Her teeth clattered so loud travelers could probably hear her from the road. Blue curled in on her side, drawing her tunic over her head as meager protection from the vicious seawinds.

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