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.: Hired Help:.

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13 | Hired Help

Red's latest letter spoke with a hope unfamiliar to their family. Apparently their mother took an easy walk around their home a week ago, holding hands with Sienna and Saffron on each side.

It was so small, a tiny gesture of her mother's former normalcy and good health, but Blue couldn't stop smiling the rest of the day. She folded and refolded the letter into her Honor Book, glad she was picking up on the language at her own pace.

Blue's gratitude wasn't verbalized but Pilar reported the squire's improved mood to the Prince with a knowing grin regardless.


It was time Bo made good on his promises.

Every night after dinner he read over Blue's contract to ensure fair treatment and compensation, but one of her more progressive demands had to wait until he convinced the kitchen staff she wasn't going to poison him.

The unforgiving sun was at its zenith. Bo stretched in front of his wide bay windows overlooking the purpling Anachakar mountains. He'd been very contiencious picking his dress for the day, nothing too flashy or opulent, but ever since Bo taught Blue how to handle her steed he figured showing his arms a bit couldn't hurt.

"Afternoon, Your Highness." Xao, his aging servant, entered his chambers barely hiding a smile. "The head chef relayed to me your intentions for the day."

Prince Bo nodded and dusted a bit of invisible dirt from his high collar. Xao handed Bo his daily crown on a cushion and the young man sighed before slipping it on.

How could an artifact so thin weigh so damn much?

"Should I call for your guest? The squires were given the afternoon off so long as they remain on the grounds."

The Prince was well aware. He'd planned this meeting several weeks in advance. He nodded again, shyly this time.

Xao smiled openly before dismissing himself. "As you wish. Supper is ready when you are."

Once he ensured the aged man left, the Prince dashed down the elegant staircase as if a wolf were chasing him, catching bewildered stares from guards and chambermaids alike.

As soon as he spied the dining room table Bo slowed to a halt and casually smoothed his topknot back into its string.

As if anxiety hadn't tangled his intestines into raw curdled knots all morning.

As if he hadn't been waiting to see Blue's reaction to the new suit of armor he commissioned for her.

Presumptuous, yes, but entirely necessary.

The Prince's Knight couldn't be seen parading around in shabby armor -- they'd think he was a cheapskate.

Patiences befits a King, Bo chided himself.

As much as he wanted to collect his surly squire himself, Pilar tempered his enthusiasm and advised he send a listless page to fetch Blue instead.

Bo didn't think she'd respond well to being summoned, but Blue didn't respond well to anything he did so he kept his expectations low.

I didn't imagine what I felt down in the dungeons.

There's something here. Something about her.

Across the hall the double doors slowly opened.

Oh no! It's her!

Bo, who'd been dazedly staring at a candelabra for five minutes, snapped to attention.

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